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  1. The International Plastics, Inc. CEO read your executive summary and would like more information. The CEO would like a detailed explanation of the IT standards, protocols, and communication tools currently in use in the facilities to determine if improvements are needed.
    Review the existing International Plastics network diagrams located in the International Plastics, Inc. documents ZIP file.

    In a table, using Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel®, complete the following:

    Assess the current telecommunications protocols, standards, and collaboration tools used for International Plastics.

    Document at least six current standards or protocols used at each location. Use the following table headings:
    Current Telecommunications Standard, Protocol, or Collaboration Tools
    International Plastics Location
    Recommendation for Improvement
    Effects of Improvement
    In a 1-page explanation,
    Recommend improvements based on your assessment.
    Explain how you arrived at this recommendation.
    Discuss options you weighed before arriving at this recommendation.
    Outline the advantages and disadvantages of this recommendation. 
    Explain how your recommendation helps the company effectively blend their telecommunications and computer networks.
    Cite at least one scholarly resource and include a citation in APA format.
    Submit your assignment.

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