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Prompt: Armed self-defense is a practical solution for stopping further violence.

You must submit five (5) pieces of evidence to support the prompt and five (5) pieces of evidence that refutes the prompt. 

Site a source for each piece of evidence (claim) provided. You should have 10 sources cited using MLA formatting.

REQUIRED READING: “October 1966 Black Panther Party Platform and Program”

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DEBATE DAY: Monday, March 16th

RESULTS DAY: Wednesday, March 18th

TOPIC: Armed self-defense is a practical solution for stopping further violence.

TEAMS: Teams will consist of a mixture of work groups.

A list of team members and contact info will be provided.

Teams are encouraged to work outside of class meetings.

· PROS (AFFIRMATIVE): YES, your team agrees

· CONS (NEGATIVE): NO, your team disagrees

· MODERATORS (NEUTRAL): The neutral team will determine the strongest argument based an understanding of the issue and the most effective use of ethos, pathos, and logos in the presentation of both sides of the argument.


Students will collaborate as teams to identify a solution to a problem or issue. Teams will identify approaches, perspectives, or lenses for examining the problem/issue and divide responsibilities among themselves for individual research.

Individually, students investigate their assigned position. Each student presents his or her findings and analysis to their team in a well-written individual report that

· Identifies the area of investigation and its relationship to the overall problem/issue;

· Summarizes, explains, analyzes, and evaluates the main ideas and reasoning in the chosen sources;

· Identifies, compares, and interprets a range of perspectives about the problem or issue; and

· Cites all sources used and includes a list of works cited or bibliography.

Working collaboratively, the team considers all the research and analyses from individual team members for the purpose of proposing one of more solutions or resolutions. The team:

· Collaboratively synthesizes and evaluates individual findings and perspectives to create a collective understanding of different approaches to the problem/issue.

· Considers potential solutions or resolutions and conducts additional research in order to evaluate different solutions within the context of the problem; and

· Proposes one or more solutions or resolutions and prepares an argument to support their proposal, which will support opening and closing statements.

Teams develops multiple one-minute arguments that present convincing arguments for their position. The team should ensure that the claims made are supported by evidence and that they have considered different perspectives and the limitations and implications of their proposed recommendations.


On debate day, teams will assemble and have 5 minutes to deliberate before the debate begins. The debate will open with a 1-2 minute opening argument from each team. Next, each team will have multiple opportunities to refute the opening argument as well as introduce new facts to support their position. Presenters of opening arguments should be determined as soon as possible.

· Moderators must take copious notes during the opening arguments and throughout the debate

· Moderators are allowed to request points of clarification

· Opening and closing arguments must reference source of evidence

· Each team member must alternate presenting or refuting points for 1 minute (max)

· All team members (Pros & Cons) must introduce a point or refute one before members have a second chance to speak

· Team members CANNOT interrupt or talk among themselves during the debate

· Each team will have 2 minutes to prepare a closing argument

· One person from each team will make the 2-minute closing remarks

· Each moderator will use his/her notes to prepare a 1-2 minute statement that highlights strengths and weaknesses of each team’s argument and present the winner on Results Day

When opening arguments are complete, the debate will begin. The team that begins the debate (by a coin toss) will present the first point or address a point made by the opposing team. Each team’s goal is to make a stronger case than the opposing team.

Teams will take turns arguing their points for 1 hour. The closing remarks should represent the strongest, most convincing arguments (employing ethos, pathos and logo) in light of the exchange of views that took place during the debate.


On results day, the winner of the debate will be announced.

· Moderators will deliberate (via email, skype, face-to-face, text) about their impressions and notes taken during the debate BEFORE results day

· Moderators will present individual 1-2 minute statements on Results Day

· Each moderator will cover a different strength and weakness discovered in the debate

· After each moderator has spoken, one moderator will announce the winner of the debate

Team grades will be assigned. Grades will be based on your ability to work as a team, your understanding/use of points from the articles and research.


1. State your name each time you speak.

2. You may exchange written notes during the debate.

3. Profanity is NOT allowed during the debate.

4. Personal insults are NOT allowed during the debate.

5. Interruptions are NOT allowed during the debate.

6. Talking amongst teammates or others is NOT allowed during the debate.

7. Please be ON TIME for the debate.

8. Plan to look like a TEAM during the debate.

Leslie Becerra

Professor Turner

AFRS 100B-06

26 October 2020

Debate Research

Argument: “Armed self-defense is a practical solution for stopping further violence.”

How is it valid?


“Jeanne Assam is a concealed carry permit holder, and she used her firearm to fatally wound the gunman, thus saving hundreds of lives at this church.”

· Gun control hardly prevents armed criminals from performing felonious acts. The evidence stated above greatly speaks for itself. As much as laws, reinforcement, and regulations the United States may have it does not seem like attackers have come to the senses of committing any more violence. Recidivism exists in our society now and will depend on law-abiding citizens and their need to own a firearm to protect themselves while also intimidating individuals with unlicensed firearms who have different intentions.

II. “Banning of all privately-owned guns, or particular classes of guns, cannot stand so long as the firearms in question can be reasonably considered to be an effective means for individuals to defend themselves against attacker’s intent on serious or lethal harm.”

· The gun ban would not be effective because law-abiding citizens depend on them for self-defense against the cruel attackers. Ideally, it’d be great if no guns existed at all but society has become overly destructive leading to the need for firearm possession. What other solution does the justice system have for stopping further violence and enforcing unity in an uncivil society?

III. “Red flag laws apply to individuals deemed at risk of causing some future harm.”

· Inheriting red flag laws would ban individuals with cruel intentions who are the cause of risen homicide rates and mass shootings. Considering red flags would be a practical solution for stopping further violence because it’d eliminate and hold criminals from obtaining firearms. Meanwhile, the red flag laws would not apply to the individuals who hold registration for it and who are moral citizens and would only get to them when needed for the sake of protection.

IV. “What really creates the danger are gun-free zones. They are rational, in that they deliberately target gun-free zones because they know the persons in them are sitting ducks. They can’t fire back. They can’t defend themselves. Mass shooters know they’ll be able to kill a lot more persons that way.”

· Emphasizing self-defense for the individuals who are attacked would be great to stop further violence. Attackers are attracted by zones where no guns exist or stand by. A criminal may not know when one is armed so of course, this valid evidence piece would come to show that they’d be more cautious of innocent individuals whom they know have firearms to fight back.

V. “Indeed, in the United States, between 25 and 75 lives are saved by a gun in self and family protection for every lost life in a crime.”

· The media tends to cover the sensational side of the mass killings and not the successes of those with guns who prevent attacks or limit their severity by the armed citizens’ quick action.

How is it invalid?

I. “According to most polls, this includes a renewal of the ban on assault weapons, which Congress allowed to expire in 2004.”

· Banning assault weapons – machines designed not to defend people but to destroy them is the least we can do. Ban wouldn’t completely end mass shootings but would reduce the body count.

II. “Guns are used in self- defense approximately 108,000 times per year. Consequently, guns are also used to kill 30,000 Americans, wound 90,000, and committing a total of 1.3 crimes.”

· The lack of licensing and registration of guns has led to higher crime rates. Which in this case would make self-defense an unpractical solution, since gun ownership has opened broadly without personal information or background checks. Violence becomes uncontrollable when it is opened to all making armed self-defense false narratives of protection to society putting a rise to recidivism rates.

III. “In fact, gun owners have a great likelihood of being murdered. Furthermore, gun ownership is associated with an increased risk of serious injuries, accidental death, and death from suicide.

· Owning a gun is a huge responsibility. Law-abiding citizens who choose to purchase firearms for self-defense hold a chance of changing their minds on their beginning intentions. It is proved that guns will always stand as a dangerous symbol. Guns will always lead to violence in some way therefore, it is not a practical solution since it will only create a chaotic society that will react to any firearm offensively.

IV. “Despite adolescent’s relative ease of access to firearms in the United States – 25% of American adolescents report having access to a gun in the home. There is little empirical research on adolescent exposure to and behavior around firearms.”

· Also, the relative risk of suicide associated with a gun in the home appears to be higher for adolescents than any other age group, especially those without a history of depression or other mental illness. Lastly, a gun in the home is an influence and a curiosity they want to involve themselves in along with friends and relatives.

V. “In non-domestic settings, the chance of an altercation among males escalating to violence is nearly five times greater when someone involved has a gun.”


When guns are not involved there is less chance of fatal assaults. It’d be practical to exclude them since they cannot stop further violence. Physical violence would stand as an alternative when banning a firearm but would hold a less rating in homicides, serial killings, and definitely mass shootings.

Works Cited

Valid Evidence


https://web-a-ebscohost-com.csulb.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=c51ddd16-b28a-4be7-85e8-60a352d2f6bd%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== – AN=J0E225700379411&db=a9h




https://web-a-ebscohost-com.csulb.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=83535599-2619-4eec-83f0-e3fffc261c4a%40sessionmgr4008&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== – AN=143054377&db=a9h




https://web-a-ebscohost-com.csulb.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=94acd9ca-e9f0-4c53-8226-e021d0c18670%40sdc-v-sessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== – AN=139172091&db=a9h

Invalid Evidence




https://web-a-ebscohost-com.csulb.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=09f2fc64-3958-41e0-806d-11aeb96e4cb9%40sdc-v-sessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== – AN=4068852&db=a9h


https://web-a-ebscohost-com.csulb.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=1c44e690-5e07-4156-a0c4-1689c81c1e0f%40sdc-v-sessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ== – AN=120386708&db=a9h





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