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Discussion Question

Read Chapter 7 in your text Murray, E. (2017). Nursing leadership and management for patient safety and quality care. Philadelphia, PA.: F.A. Davis Company.
The following Web sites offer many resources Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Tools


Society for Quality


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Over the past 6 months, patients in the intensive care unit have experienced an increase in central line infections. The nurse leader and manager suspects that the increase is related to more central lines being inserted in the emergency department. A quality improvement (QI) team is being formed to identify the root causes of central line infections.
• Who should be on the QI team?
• What leadership theories and models would you use with this team?
• Outline the steps in the QI process to use in this situation.
• How would the QI team implement an activity to improve the infection rate, and how will the team know the activity worked?
• What Quality Improvement Tool would you use to visually display the outcomes over time to your team?

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