Human Resource Management Argumentative Paper

Argumentative Paper

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The state workers’ compensation board that governs workers’ compensation for the state that your company resides and performs all of its business in, has decided to reject the four exceptions to the governing classification and single enterprise rule in your state.

Understanding this is a very big issue, your company’s legal team has elicited your help to write an argumentative paper that will be presented to the workers’ compensation board during the public hearings scheduled for next week.

Compose a paper that defends the following list:

  • the Standard Exception classifications,
  • the Interchange of Labor rules,
  • the General Exclusion classes, and
  • the use of the Multiple Enterprise rule.

The legal department is depending on you to ensure that to help the board understand why the rejection of these exceptions would be so detrimental to your business. Make sure you argue your points based on a company with 8,000-plus employees, within seven different manufacturing sites and two major administrative buildings that are separated geographically from the plants. Your EMR for the trailing 36-month period is 0.94 and the gross revenue for your company is $1.3 billion.

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Your paper must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title and reference page) and include at least two academic resources. All information from outside resources should be cited in APA format. Please include an abstract that summarizes the key points of your defense and/or argument.

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