Town Hall Powerpoint Presentation Police vs Security

Graduate Level Writing Required. 

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DUE: Friday, January 10, 2020 by 8pm Eastern Standard Time.

Background: As a member of the local law enforcement agency you have been selected to present at a town hall meeting. The town hall meeting takes place in a community of 220,000 residents. The community has a small college, large teaching hospital, and three large public high schools. The community has requested more information on the merits of both private security and public policing.

Create: a 12- to 14-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that compares & contrasts the roles, functions, and responsibilities of public policing versus private security. 

Must include EXTENSIVE speaker notes on EVERY SLIDE.

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Address the following:

   – Similarities between public Police and Private Security.

   – Differences between public Police and Private Security.

   – How leadership is different between the two areas, explain the role of both leadership positions.

   – The relationship between public Policing and security w/ regards to the criminal justice system.

   – Essential policies for each role in order to enhance homeland security

Include: Images, charts, and multimedia to explain the points of your presentation.

 -Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

-Provide at least 4 Academic / Scholarly references.

-100% Original Work.

-Must Be Graduate Level Writing. 

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