reply 100-150 words response.

When I hear the word culture, I automatically think about other countries, when in fact, we have many cultures right here in our own back yard.  Webster defines culture as “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group;  shared by people in a place or time” so it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be another country. Whether growing up in the north and playing hockey during the winter or drinking “pop” compared to growing up in the south with Sunday dinners and sweet tea after church, we all have been impacted by a certain culture simply based on what part of the country we grew up in. Based on the information in the video, we are not nearly as “globalized” as we think we are. We either overestimate the numbers to make our argument more favorable for us or we are not as informed as first thought. While technology allows us to reach out to people in other countries, it makes us a very small percentage of who we actually interact with. Global connections can come in the form of countries import/exports to working together in times of war. These allow for countries to work together and end up seeing how everyone lives, seeing the differences and similarities. Trading goods allow for countries to show off their skills at whatever goods are being produced and allow companies to interact, thus forming friendships and cultural integration. Learning other cultures is a great thing and can make you more proud or thankful with the culture you grew up in or have now. With every culture being different, there will be some that we either don’t like or disagree with. That doesn’t make them or us wrong, just makes us human and being human is going to mean there will be differences. That is the great thing about human life, no one is exactly the same. (Links to an external site.)TED. (2012). Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually the World isn’t Flat. Retrieved from

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