Week 1.1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook.

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Choose one of the following external threats to law enforcement and corrections. (If your choice does not work equally well for both law enforcement and corrections, you may choose one for each.)

  • Law enforcement and corrections can be impacted by many external threats. These include external communication gaps and many environmental influences. 
  • Bodycams
  • Community support
  • Demographic factors
  • Funding issues
  • Media
  • Perceived threats
  • Politics
  • Societal cultural factors
  • Supreme Court Decisions (common law)
  • Technology
  • Unions

Research your chosen topic(s) using a minimum of three professional resources. (Access the

MSCJ Professional Sources guide (Links to an external site.)

for assistance with finding appropriate resources.) Provide a brief description of each professional resource including a rationale as to why it is appropriate for the chosen topic(s). Based on your research create a summary of your topic(s). Within the summary, explain how the external threat impacts the organizational behavior in law enforcement and corrections. Describe how law enforcement and corrections might combat those external threats. Support your statements with evidence from your professional sources.

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