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Aligning IT and business strategy: an Australian university case study
Alan Dent*
Information Systems and Infrastructure, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA, Australia
Alignment with business objectives is considered to be an essential outcome of
information technology (IT) strategic planning. This case study examines the process
of creating an IT strategy for an Australian university using an industry standard
methodology. The degree of alignment is determined by comparing the strategic
priorities supported by both the IT and university strategic plans, using Sharrock’s
‘four agendas’ framework. The significant differences between the two strategies are
examined and explained, revealing the need for IT strategic planning methodologies to
include a framework to measure business alignment.
Keywords: alignment; business; information technology; strategy
This case study presents an examination of the process of creating an information
technology (IT) strategy for a small Australian university, and the university’s attempt
to align IT to the business needs of the institution. The IT strategy was developed over a
3-month period, commencing in March 2014, using a strategic planning methodology
from an IT research and advisory firm.
The mass adoption of internet-enabled technologies and mobile devices has
revolutionised both the way industries go about their business and their consumers’
expectations. These devices are powered by constantly improving communications
and computing infrastructure, which in turn is enabled by Moore’s law, an observa-
tion about the rate of growth in semiconductor capacity (doubling approximately
every two years). Moore’s law has become a metaphor for rapid rates of growth/
change everywhere (Schaller, 1997, p. 58). Changing technologies, services and
student/consumer expectations represent both an opportunity and a threat for
universities everywhere, including Australian universities.
In their report on the effects of digital disruption on the Australian economy, Deloitte
(2013) categorised education in the ‘Long Fuse, Big Bang’ quadrant, predicting a 15–50
per cent change in metrics over a period of 4–10 years, noting government regulation as a
possible inhibitor of the rate of change. While the impact of digital disruption is large, the
longer lead times give institutions a chance to (re)position themselves to take advantage of
the new opportunities presented by the changing technology landscape. In a report on the
future of Australian universities, Ernst and Young (2012) identified the most significant
challenges currently facing higher education, including technology, and highlighted three
business models likely to emerge in response to these challenges: streamlined status-quo,
niche dominator and transformer.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2015
Vol. 37, No. 5, 519–533,
© 2015 Association for Tertiary Education Management and the LH Martin Institute for Tertiary Education Leadership and
In this case study, the university strategic plan is firmly located in the niche dominator
business model, targeting specific areas of strength and focusing research and teaching
operations in these areas. One of the key features of this business model is streamlining
the back office and reducing the cost of operations. This is clearly the type of strategic
objective that IT could contribute to if it is properly aligned to business strategies.
Alignment with the strategies and activities of the business has been widely recognised
as one of the top issues or problems in IT strategy. In their early attempt to define a
method of measuring this alignment, Reich and Benbasat (1996) refer to prior examples
of this, dating back to the mid-1980s, around the time when the first lower cost personal
computers (cheaper in comparison to mainframe computers) were appearing in organisa-
tions in any numbers. Referring to the concept as a ‘linkage’ rather than as an
alignment, they defined it as ‘the degree to which the IT mission, objectives, and
plans, support and are supported by the business mission, objectives, and plans’
(Reich & Benbasat, 1996, p. 56).
Alignment is a priority for higher education IT, the first three items on the
EDUCAUSE top 10 issues of 2014 also focus on business/IT alignment (Grajek, 2014).
Similarly, the Council of Australian University Directors of IT (CAUDIT) also focuses on
providing business solutions and alignment (CAUDIT, 2014). Table 1 shows how each
body describes and ranks these priorities.
Creating better alignment of business and IT strategies to provide valuable solutions to
the business are goals that dominate the IT profession in all industries, but different types
of organisations present different challenges for those responsible for making this happen.
The challenges facing a publicly listed, for-profit manufacturing company will be very
different from those faced by a university with multiple missions and broad-ranging social
responsibilities inherent in the public good aspects of higher education. In itself, IT culture
Table 1. Comparison of relative priorities of IT/business alignment.
Business solutions Business/IT alignment
EDUCAUSE Priority 1 Priority 2
Improving student outcomes through an
institutional approach that
strategically leverages technology
Establishing a partnership between IT
leadership and institutional leadership to
develop a collective understanding of
what information technology can deliver
Priority 3
Assisting faculty with the instructional
integration of information technology
CAUDIT Priority 1 Priority 6
Supporting and enabling teaching and
Establishing a partnership between IT
leadership and institutional leadership to
develop a collective understanding of
what information technology can deliver
Priority 2
Supporting and enabling research
Source: CAUDIT (2014) and Grajek (2014).
520 A. Dent
differs from academic culture. Drawing from Albrecht et al. (2004), Table 2 highlights
some of the potential difficulties.
With this level of potential gap between the business and IT, the process of developing the
strategy is important. Figure 1 from Albrecht et al. (2004) shows three methods of developing
IT strategies, each demonstrating a different level of engagement with the business.
In this case study, the approach to IT strategy development followed by the university
was an Alignment model. In this model, the business strategy is developed first, and
then business and IT leaders collaborate to produce an IT strategy to support it
(Albrecht et al., 2004). In the case study, the delay between creation of the business
and IT strategic plans was nearly 2 years. Overall, the IT strategic planning approach
undertaken was based on the Gartner IT strategic planning model shown in Figure 2
(Schulte, 2015).
Table 2. Comparison of differences between Academic and IT culture.
IT culture Academic culture
Emergent profession Mature profession
Change agent Values tradition and scepticism
Institutional focus Disciplinary focus
Focus on production Focus on innovation
Quest for consensus and alignment Quest for truth
Organisational anonymity Reputation driven
Activities/services rendered transparent Labyrinthine processes and practices
Speed is a valued objective Speed may be antithetical to quality
Short life cycle for products, services,
outcomes and underlying technology
Work products designed to endure for years, decades
or even centuries
Uses a highly idiosyncratic and technical
language to communicate intentions
Uses a different highly idiosyncratic and technical
language to communicate expectations
Source: Albrecht et al. (2004, p. 129).
Figure 1. Types of business/IT alignment (Albrecht et al., 2004, p. 129).
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 521
In the case study, the university’s nomenclature for these phases was
1. IT strategic vision (Demand)
2. IT strategic plan (Control)
3. Implementation (Supply)
This paper focuses on the first of these phases, the IT strategic vision. The primary
assumption underlying this phase is that it will provide the connection and alignment of
IT to business strategy. Consultation in this phase involved interviewing senior executive
staff and workshop groups with senior academic and professional staff (deans and
directors) from several stakeholder communities: teaching staff, research staff, profes-
sional staff, IT managers and students. The results of this consultation were compiled into
an IT strategic vision document that was presented to, and ratified by, the institution’s
senior leadership.
In order to analyse the degree of business/IT alignment, Sharrock’s ‘four management
agendas’ framework (2012) was applied. Produced from a thematic analysis of Australian
university strategies, this presents a higher education industry-specific set of institutional
priorities, as shown in Table 3.
The Sharrock model has been used to help assess the degree of alignment between the
university strategic plan and the IT strategic vision. Using these definitions, business
priorities are categorised into one of the four ‘management agendas’ to allow valid
comparisons to be made. In order to determine the business priorities for IT, the strategic
plan was examined for explicit or implied mentions of IT, or concepts related to IT
capability. The results are shown in Table 4.
The case study university’s strategic plan itself contained very few direct refer-
ences to IT, but several indirect references were present. For example, new forms of
student engagement could reasonably be assumed to include new technologies to
Figure 2. Gartner IT strategic planning model (Schulte, 2015).
522 A. Dent
supplement pedagogies. After duplication of items was taken into account, the four
business priorities for IT remained. These are shown as rows in Table 5, which
summarises the analysis. Initial analysis of the data using the four management
agendas framework assigned each business priority to a single management agenda.
Examination of these results gave an incomplete picture of the agendas being
supported, as every priority clearly had impacts on other agendas. As a result,
secondary categories were added to the analysis. Management agendas in the sec-
ondary categories are considered to be agendas that are supported as a consequence
of activity in the primary agenda.
Table 3. Four domains of university management.
Professional community (PC) Creative engagement (CE)
Shared aims, values and expertise; working with
high levels of commitment, trust and group
Pursuing learning, discovery and innovation;
involved in outreach and activism; and
seeking external partners to support creative
System integrity (SI) Sustainable enterprise (SE)
Ensuring coherent processes to support
governance, planning, academic standards,
quality assurance, financial probity, efficiency
and effectiveness, and reporting
Attuned to trends in external market conditions
and government policy and funding settings;
with well-defined priorities, and an explicit
game plan to acquire and invest the resources
needed to build the capability to sustain
academic programmes
Source: Sharrock (2012).
Table 4. Case study university priorities and enabling resources.
University priorities Enabling resources
Learning and teaching
New forms of student engagement
Modernisation of IT
Research Research collaboration
Engagement Modernisation of IT
Internationalisation High-quality IT
Enabling services Modern systems
High-quality IT as a tool for research, teaching and professional operations
Table 5. Strategic plan management agendas for IT.
New forms of student engagement
CE PC and SE
Research collaboration tools CE PC and SE
Modernised systems and infrastructure SI SE, CE and PC
High-quality IT tools as an enabler of teaching, research and
professional operations
SE SI, CE and PC
Notes: CE, creative engagement; SE, sustainable enterprise; SI, system integrity; PC, professional community.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 523
New forms of student engagement
IT is an implied enabler of this priority. The main drivers of new forms of student
engagement will have to be people and pedagogy, that is, the professional community
(PC) agenda, where shared values across staff groups support the student experience.
While new technology and software tools will undoubtedly play a supporting role in new
types of student engagement, so too will other factors, such as the physical facilities, as
learning spaces are transformed from traditional tutorial rooms and lecture theatres to
collaborative group learning spaces. The small, implied, IT component of this priority
consists of communication/collaboration software and fits primarily in the creative
engagement (CE) agenda, with its focus on learning, engagement and innovation. The
wider PC agenda of this priority is enabled by the CE dimension and is thus considered a
secondary agenda for IT.
Research collaboration tools
While internationalisation is described as the key element of the overall strategy, research
is the common theme that binds all the plan’s priorities together. The research section of
the strategic plan focuses on collaboration amongst researchers, particularly from other
international institutions. The implied priority for IT is to provide the technology required
to support this collaboration. Collaboration amongst researchers is clearly located in the
PC domain; however, the technology required to support it is primarily part of the CE
agenda, pursuing learning, discovery and innovation, and external collaboration. The PC
agenda is supported as a consequence of the CE agenda and thus is classified as a
secondary agenda.
Modernised systems and infrastructure
Unlike the previous two priorities, modernised systems and infrastructure are direct
references to almost everything that is typically considered to be IT. There are
enough potential arguments around the semantics of what could be considered to
constitute a ‘modern’ system or piece of infrastructure to fill another dissertation.
For the purposes of this discussion, ‘modern’ systems and infrastructure are assumed
to be systems and equipment that are supported by vendors and have a future
product development roadmap, or those that are actively developed and supported
Modernised systems and infrastructure primarily support a system integrity (SI)
agenda, keeping the technology platform current, secure and fit-for-purpose.
High-quality IT tools as an enabler of teaching, research and professional operations
The final strategic priority is IT as an enabler of the business operations of the university,
an objective consistent with those identified earlier by EDUCAUSE and CAUDIT. Where
the previous priority was concerned with establishing a stable, modern, operating plat-
form, this priority is about providing the tools and technologies to meet the current and
emerging business needs of every facet of the university’s operations including its ‘back
office’ operations such as finance and human resource management.
524 A. Dent
In order to rank the agendas, a simple weighted approach was applied. An overall total
value of 1 was given to both primary and secondary instances, with 0.5 allocated to each
category. A value per instance within categories was determined by dividing 0.5 by the
number of instances in each category. Four primary instances meant a value of 0.125 per
instance, and 10 secondary instances meant a value of 0.05 per instance. The decimal
values have been converted to percentages and the scores are summed to determine the
final priority ranking. The results of the analysis of the management agendas are presented
below. The raw count of instances is shown first, with the percentage figure presented
afterwards in parentheses (Table 6).
The final priority order of business agendas is thus:
1. Creative engagement
2. Sustainable enterprise
3. Professional community
4. System integrity
In order to be aligned to the business requirements laid out in the strategic plan, the IT
strategic vision should support the management agendas in the same order.
In the case study, the IT strategic vision was constructed from feedback gathered in
workshops and meetings held with senior executive and stakeholder groups representing
the business areas of the university. Workshops were delivered in a common format,
focusing on the four questions in the demand section of the Gartner model. The results of
the workshops are summarised in Table 7, with the management agenda domain shown in
A final, unofficial question was asked in each of the workshops: ‘what sort of
relationship do you want to have with IT, a client/service provider relationship, or a
business partner relationship?’ The answer to this question was unanimously ‘business
partner’. This observation is significant as it implies close alignment and collaboration
between business areas and IT on high-value business priorities. An answer of ‘client/
service provider’ would have indicated the type of relationship where IT only provided
Table 6. Mapping of primary and secondary attributes.
Professional community (PC) Creative engagement (CE)
Primary 0 (0 per cent) Primary 2 (25 per cent)
Secondary 4 (20 per cent) Secondary 2 (10 per cent)
Total score: 20 per cent Total score 35 per cent
System integrity (SI) Sustainable enterprise (SE)
Primary 1 (12.5 per cent) Primary 1 (12.5 per cent)
Secondary 1 (5 per cent) Secondary 3 (15 per cent)
Total score 17.5 per cent Total score 27.5 per cent
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 525
business areas with commodity-type services, for example, desktop support or access
to the internet.
University environment and context
The first question attempted to contextualise the business requirements of IT by situating
the university within its operating environment. As expected, the themes identified by the
workshops represented a spread of management agendas.
The most notable omission from the themes that emerged from this question was the
international dimension. It can be implied in ‘competition from other universities’, but when
Table 7. IT strategic vision themes and management agendas.
Question 1: University environment and context – common themes
● There is increasing competition from other universities as well as TAFE and private providers
● Educational technologies are changing the ways in which students engage with learning (CE)
● Compliance and regulatory requirements have significant impacts on the ability to undertake
one’s job (SI)
Question 2: ‘Business success’ – common themes
● Highest possible level of student engagement (CE)
● Good management information which is used to underpin continuous improvement in services
● Fast, reliable, integrated systems (SI)
● Documented, streamlined and automated processes (SI)
● Up-to-date website – information required by both staff and students (SI)
● Easy-to-use search function on the website (SI)
Question 3: ‘Business capabilities’ – common themes
● Integrated systems (SI)
● 24/7 support and response capability (SI)
● Clearly mapped and understood business processes (SI)
● Collaboration tools (CE/PC)
● Mobile, self-service, interactive services for students and staff (CE)
● Facilitate the use of ‘bring your own device’ (CE)
Question 4: IT contribution to ‘business success’ – common themes
● Enabling technologies that ‘makes the job easier’ (SE)
● Increased hours of support, ideally 24/7 (SI)
● A learning and teaching environment that is ‘geographically independent’ (CE)
● Technology to provide trustworthy and reliable data as information to support decision-making
● Learning analytics required to support student recruitment and target ‘at risk’ students (SI)
● Better integration of systems (SI)
Source: Case study university, 2014.
526 A. Dent
the stated theme of the strategic plan is internationalisation, it is reasonable to assume that an
international connection should be explicit. Research is similarly missing-in-action; the
absence of these two areas is a common feature of the themes identified in the workshops.
Business success
This question identified what factors (not necessarily relating to IT) business areas need to
succeed. The themes identified by this question show a heavy bias towards the SI agenda.
Business capabilities
Business capabilities build from the business success question. The answers here should
be a list of the capabilities that the business believes it needs to facilitate business success.
Once again, these are not necessarily related to IT. The themes identified by this question
do not quite reflect this intent. For example, while clearly mapped and understood
business processes are a (highly) desirable requirement for business success, they are
the product of a business process analysis and design capability, rather than the capability
itself. Similarly, integrated systems are either the output of a systems integration capability
or the prerequisite for an enterprise-wide business intelligence capability.
During the workshops, this question consistently required the facilitator to either
repeat it or attempt to clarify it. The Gartner model is intended to be applicable to IT
operations across all industries, yet the results of this question clearly show that in
the case of this question it did not quite translate into a higher education context.
IT contribution to ‘business success’
The final question sought to identify where the business sees that IT can make a
contribution to its operations. When attempting to achieve alignment of business and IT
strategies, this is the most important question. The themes identified by this question were
predominantly in the sustainable enterprise (SE) and SI domains. On a raw count of the
number of themes identified, the SE agenda is dominant; however, ‘Learning analytics
required to support student recruitment and target “at risk” students’ is effectively a
student-specific subset of ‘Technology to provide trustworthy and reliable data as infor-
mation to support decision-making’, making the SE and SI count effectively even.
Where the themes in previous questions contained obvious omissions from the
strategic plan, themes in this question are more reflective of it. Student engagement
(CE) and enabling technologies (SE) feature in both, indicating at least a partial alignment
between the strategic plan and the IT strategic vision.
Overall, the themes identified in the IT strategic vision workshops showed a signifi-
cant bias towards items located in the SI management agenda. While not wholly out of
step with the IT priorities from the strategic plan, which contained a very broad SI
component on modernising systems and infrastructure, the bias towards the SI agenda
for IT indicates a lack of alignment between the two strategies.
Question 4 (IT contribution to ‘business success’) is the key question when examining this
misalignment. Using the same framework used to analyse IT in the strategic plan, the
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 527
themes identified by question 4 have been categorised with both primary and secondary
management agendas. The results are presented in Table 8.
Enabling technologies that make the job easier
This theme is a direct analogue of the strategic plan priority; ‘high-quality IT tools
as an enabler of teaching, research and professional operations’. Primarily based in
the SE management agenda, enabling tools and technologies that increase the
efficiency of business area operations will free up resources, making them available
for other value-adding activities. Having such a broad primary agenda, this theme
will consequentially support all the other management agendas.
Increased hours of support, ideally 24/7
This theme is very firmly based in the SI management agenda, supporting system access,
accuracy and security. Equally important in this theme is the support of the people side of
the equation, providing expert assistance and advice for business areas in the use of the
systems. By primarily supporting the SI agenda, this item services all other agendas in a
secondary capacity.
Learning and teaching environment that is geographically independent
Geographically independent learning and teaching environments are a subset of the ‘new
forms of student engagement’ strategic plan priority. High-quality, geographically inde-
pendent, online learning environments are part of the CE management agenda, providing
the toolset on which new learning materials, optimised for online delivery, can be built.
The PC and SE agendas are secondarily served by this theme. Providing the tools that
support the further development of a PC of scholars and students helps maintain the
relevance and viability of the institution.
Table 8. Analysis of question 4: IT contribution to ‘business success’.
Workshop theme
Enabling technologies that ‘makes the job easier’ SE SI, CE and PC
Increased hours of support, ideally 24/7 SI SE, CE and PC
A learning and teaching environment that is ‘geographically
CE PC and SE
Technology to provide trustworthy and reliable data as information
to support decision-making
Learning analytics required to support student recruitment and target
‘at risk’ students
Better integration of systems SI SE, CE and PC
528 A. Dent
Technology to provide trustworthy and reliable data as information to support
The technology and reporting capability to support management decision-making is
located in the SI management agenda. The technology presentation layer will be the
most visible aspect of this theme to the business, whether it be via simple tabular reports
in spread sheets or advanced data visualisations. However, the majority of the work
required to deliver this capability actually lies in integrating the underlying systems and
defining common definitions of the data to report on. This theme is tightly tied to the SE
secondary agenda, which uses the reporting information output of this theme as its key
Learning analytics required to support student recruitment and target ‘at risk’ students
This theme is a student-specific subset of the previous theme and has been classified in the
same way.
Better integration of systems
The final IT strategic vision workshop theme also supports the SI management agenda. As
noted in the previous two themes, it is a foundation requirement for good management
reporting. Being broader than the previous two themes, however, this theme provides
secondary support for all the other management agendas. While reliable management
information underpins SE decision-making, better systems integration also supports the
PC and CE agendas by bringing disparate systems together and allowing their information
to be used in new and different ways to connect staff, students and the community.
Management agendas supported by themes identified in the IT strategic planning
In order to make a valid comparison, the same weighting regime used in the strategic plan
analysis above was applied; the results are presented in Table 9.
The final results of the comparison between the management agendas defined in the
strategic plan and those identified in the IT strategic vision workshops are given in
Table 10.
Table 9. Summary of IT strategic plan themes.
Professional community (PC) Creative engagement (CE)
Primary 0 (0 per cent) Primary 1 (8 per cent)
Secondary 4 (15 per cent) Secondary 3 (12 per cent)
Total score: 15 per cent Total score 20 per cent
System integrity (SI) Sustainable enterprise (SE)
Primary 4 (33 per cent) Primary 1 (8 per cent)
Secondary 1 (4 per cent) Secondary 5 (20 per cent)
Total score 37 per cent Total score 28 per cent
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 529
The most striking difference between the two is the relative position of the SI agenda.
While SI was the least important agenda item for the strategic plan, participants in the IT
strategic planning workshops identified it as their number one agenda and relegated the
strategic plan’s top agenda for IT, CE, to third place, at less than half the value previously
assigned to it. The results were not completely dissonant, however; both exercises rated
the SE agenda second, giving it almost exactly the same weighted score.
This emphasis on the SI agenda clearly stood out. While the answer to the final,
unofficial, workshop question on the type of relationship business areas wanted with IT
was always ‘business partner’, the focus of the answers given throughout the workshop
had all felt heavily biased towards the type of commodity services that typify the lowest
end of the SI agenda, desktop support, printing and bigger staff email inboxes for
example. The ranking of SI as the top agenda supports this observation.
The final steps in the methodology were the creation of the IT strategic vision and its
approval by the case study university’s senior executive group. The analysis of the results,
however, shows a misalignment of the priorities in the strategic plan and IT strategic
vision. The question this raises is, what (if anything) went wrong with the process that
was supposed to provide business and IT alignment?
In the development of the IT strategic vision, alignment with the university’s business
objectives was intended to occur as a result of a number of key factors in the creation
1. Use of the Gartner
2. Wide and representative stakeholder engagement
3. A senior executive check point at the end of each phase
Each of these elements was present in the IT strategic vision creation process, and yet the
analysis of management agendas shows that the end result was not fully aligned: the result
of the workshops gave top priority to a different management agenda than the strategic
plan. The question is why?
Table 10. Final comparison of agendas.
University strategic
plan (per cent)
IT strategic vision
workshops (per cent)
Creative engagement 35 20
Sustainable enterprise 27.5 28
Professional community 20 15
System integrity 17.5 37
530 A. Dent
IT strategic planning framework
The Gartner IT strategic planning framework is a generic framework designed to be
applied to many industries. Using it in a higher education institution is no more or less
valid than using it in a retail, mining or professional services organisation. The
practical experience of the workshops revealed that there was a level of disconnect
between the intent of, and responses to, some of the questions. This can be attributed
to a level of confusion over the terminology, particularly around the capabilities
question (question 3). Ultimately, however, the results of that question were still
consistent with the results of the entire workshop.
The only gap in framework in the case study context is its over-reliance on the senior
executive ‘checkpoint’ to assure alignment. In this case, it would have been useful had the
model also included a method with which to quantify alignment.
The assumption that engaging with a wide range of senior stakeholders from every level
of the business would result in an IT strategic vision aligned with the business strategy
was the foundation of the planning process. The stakeholders contributing to the IT
strategic vision workshops were all senior staff. As such they could reasonably be
expected to be aligning their business requirements with those of the strategic plan and
yet this did not seem to fully happen.
The difference between the business agendas identified in the strategic plan and the IT
strategic vision workshops can also be explained in part by timing. The strategic plan was
constructed and released in 2012. Over the two years between the release of strategic plan
and the IT strategic vision workshops, the university undertook a number of other
significant business initiatives, including
● a curriculum review and implementation of new degree structures;
● creation of a research strategy;
● restructure of the Academy, halving the number of schools;
● recruitment of all new school deans;
● review of transnational offerings;
● restructure of professional services, halving the number of directorates.
As well as these major changes, some others that are significant to the strategic
business/IT alignment did not occur, most notably the creation of strategies to
support two core priorities of the strategic plan, in Teaching & Learning and in
Rather than representing a misalignment between business and IT strategies, the
results of the workshop show IT aligning with an evolving business strategy. In describing
the Learning School of strategy, Mintzberg et al. note that strategies ‘emerge as people . . .
come to learn about a situation as well as their organization’s capability of dealing with it’
(Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, & Lampel, 1998, p. 176). As a result of the implementation of the
strategic plan, the major initiatives listed above were undertaken at what can only be
described as breakneck speed for a university.
All the major areas of institutional operations, both academic and professional,
have been affected by these changes, with most areas being impacted by multiple
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 531
simultaneous initiatives. The results of such an ambitious programme conducted over
such optimistic timeframes inevitably include a period of lag as policies, procedures
and systems catch up to changing business processes and requirements. In this type of
environment, the SI management agenda is clearly needed. While the core of the
strategic plan remains the same, the results of the IT strategic vision workshops are
reflective of an evolution of the business strategy as it adapts to the implementation of
the overall strategic plan. The workshops provided the vehicle to identify changing
strategic business needs and translate them into a series of management priority
agendas for IT that differed from the original university strategic plan, but were still
ultimately supportive of it.
The Gartner model makes allowances for a potential misalignment between the business
strategy in the form of a senior executive ‘checkpoint’ on completion of the first stage. In
the absence of an alignment analysis framework, any determination on the alignment of
the IT strategic vision with the university’s strategic plan was a subjective judgement. The
process of creating the vision did not include any formal measures of alignment or any
framework for comparing them. Had a structured analysis been performed, it would have
highlighted the discrepancy between the results of the IT strategic vision workshops and
the strategic plan identified above.
Ultimately the identification of an apparent misalignment between business and
IT strategies does not have to make any difference to the overall IT strategy. The
senior executive accepted the IT strategic vision despite the apparent misalignment
of the results of the workshops with the strategic plan. It does, however, encourage
an extra level of investigation into the reasons for the difference, which will, if
nothing else, result in a better understanding of the business needs the IT strategy is
attempting to align to, and the IT capability that may inform ‘emergent’ strategic
The objective of this paper was to examine the process of attempting to align a university
IT strategy with the institution’s business strategy, using one university’s experience as a
case study. The process the university followed to produce an IT strategy aligned with the
needs of the business can ultimately be considered successful, despite producing an IT
strategic vision based on a different set of management agendas from those set out in the
strategic plan. Starting from a position where the strategic plan primarily supported a CE
agenda, the process of gathering requirements through workshops revealed that what the
business areas actually required was in the SI agenda. This change in management
agendas was the result of an ‘emergent’ evolution of the business strategy, where order
and control is now required after a series of institution-wide initiatives changing many of
the fundamental operating parameters.
The process could be improved with the addition of an explicit framework or more
sophisticated way to measure business/IT alignment. This would provide a solid, quantifi-
able measure that could be used as a cross-check before taking the completed IT strategic
vision to the senior executive group. If, as in this case study, workshops produce a
contrasting view of priorities, these can either be re-examined or explained before
532 A. Dent
presenting the final output. Either scenario will result in a better understanding of IT
capabilities and their potentially closer alignment with business needs.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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- Abstract
- Management agendas supported by themes identified in the IT strategic planning workshops
Introduction: technology in higher education
The business/IT alignment imperative
The case study
Methodology and analysis
New forms of student engagement
Research collaboration tools
Modernised systems and infrastructure
High-quality IT tools as an enabler of teaching, research and professional operations
Management agendas supported by IT
IT strategic vision management agendas: stakeholder feedback
University environment and context
Business success
Business capabilities
IT contribution to ‘business success’
Analysing the strategic misalignment
Enabling technologies that make the job easier
Increased hours of support, ideally 24/7
Learning and teaching environment that is geographically independent
Technology to provide trustworthy and reliable data as information to support decision-making
Learning analytics required to support student recruitment and target ‘at risk’ students
Better integration of systems
Final comparison of agendas
Creation of the IT strategic vision
Findings on the process of alignment
IT strategic planning framework
Stakeholder engagement
Senior executive ‘checkpoint’
Disclosure statement
Managing and Using Information Systems:
A Strategic Approach – Sixth Edition
Keri Pearlson, Carol Saunders,
and Dennis Galletta
© Copyright 2016
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 1
The Information Systems Strategy Triangle
Kaiser Permanente (KP) Opening Case
What was KP’s business strategy in 2015?
On what were bonuses to doctors based under the “fix me” system?
What would the new idea be called instead of a “fix me” system?
What is the new basis for end-of-year bonuses?
What goal alignment has helped KP’s success?
What IS components are part of this?
Could only the IS components be changed to achieve their success?
Could only the strategy be changed to achieve their success?
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To promote better health care at lower cost
Proactive health system
Improved health of patients
Alignment between business strategy, organizational design, and information systems strategy
Fast communication with patients outside of face-to-face appointments; automatic email reminders to patients for exercise or medications
No, the business strategy must be aligned with the IS, in addition to incentives
No, without the new incentives and new IS, employees would not wish to cooperate, nor would they be able to do so.
The Information Systems Strategy Triangle
These need to be balanced.
Business Strategy
Organizational Strategy
Information Strategy
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What is a “Strategy?”
Coordinated set of actions to fulfill objectives, purposes, or goals
It sets limits on what the organization seeks to accomplish
Starts with a mission
Company Mission Statement
Zappos To provide the best customer service possible. Internally we call this our WOW philosophy.
Amazon We seek to be Earth’s most customer-centric company for three primary customer sets: consumer customers, seller customers and developer customers.
L.L. Bean Sell good merchandise at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings and they will always come back for more.
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Business Strategy
What is a business strategy?
It is where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there
It is not a business model, although it includes business models as one component of a business strategy
Business models include subscriptions, advertising, licenses, etc.
Business models do not include where the business seeks to go, and only the revenue portion of how it expects to get there
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Generic Strategies Framework
Michael Porter: How businesses can build a competitive advantage
Three primary strategies for achieving competitive advantage:
Cost leadership – lowest-cost producer.
Differentiation – product is unique.
Focus – limited scope – can accomplish this via cost leadership or differentiation within the segment
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Three Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage
Strategic Advantage
Strategic Target Uniqueness Perceived by Customer Low Cost Position
Industry Wide Differentiation Cost Leadership
Particular Segment Only Focus
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Three Strategies for Achieving
Competitive Advantage
Strategic Advantage
Strategic Target Uniqueness Perceived by Customer Low Cost Position
Industry Wide Differentiation Cost Leadership
Particular Segment Only Focus
Ritz Carlton
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Dynamic Strategies
Beware of Hypercompetition
Can lead to a “red ocean” environment
Cutthroat competition – zero sum game
Every advantage is eroded—becoming a cost.
Sustaining an advantage can be a deadly distraction from creating new ones.
D’Avenis says: Goal of advantage should be disruption, not sustainability
Initiatives are achieved through series of small steps. Get new advantage before old one erodes.
Better to adopt a “blue ocean” strategy
Change the industry; create new segments/products
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Creative Destruction
GE’s Approach under Jack Welch
Ask people to imagine how to destroy and grow your business
DYB: Imagine how competitors would want to destroy your business.
GYB: Counteract that by growing the business in some way to:
Reach new customers/markets
Better serve existing customers
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Strategic Approach Key Idea Application to Information Systems
Porter’s generic strategies Firms achieve competitive advantage through cost leadership, differentiation, or focus. Understanding which strategy is chosen by a firm is critical to choosing IS to complement the strategy.
Dynamic environment strategies Speed, agility, and aggressive moves and countermoves by a firm create competitive advantage. The speed of change is too fast for manual response making IS critical to achieving business goals.
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Organizational Strategy
Organizational Strategy
What is organizational strategy?
Organizational design and
Choices about work processes
How do you manage organizational, control, and cultural variables?
Managerial Levers
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Managerial Levers
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Information Systems Strategy
IS Strategy
What is an IS Strategy?
– The plan an organization uses in providing information services.
Four key IS infrastructure components
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Information systems strategy matrix.
What Who Where
Hardware The physical devices of the system System users and managers Physical location of devices (cloud, datacenter, etc.)
Software The programs, applications, and utilities System users and managers The hardware it resides on and physical location of that hardware
Networking The way hardware is connected to other hardware, to the Internet and to other outside networks. System users and managers; company that provides the service Where the nodes, wires, and other transport media are
Data Bits of information stored in the system Owners of data; data administrators Where the information resides
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Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
What Who Where
Hardware Laptops, servers to store info and back up laptops Consultants have laptops, managed by the IS Dept. Laptops are mobile; servers are centralized
Software Office suite; collaboration tools Software is on consultants’ laptops but managed centrally Much resides on laptops; some only resides on servers
Networking Internet; hard wired connections in office; remote lines from home, satellite, or client offices ISP offers service; Internal IS group provides servers and access Global access is needed; Nodes are managed by ISPs
Data Work done for clients; personnel data Data owned by firm but made available to consultants as needed Resides on cloud and copies “pulled” into laptops as needed.
Illustration in a Consulting Firm
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Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
One IS Strategy: Social Strategy
Extend the reach of stakeholders to find and connect with one-another
Involve stakeholders in the business via blogs; communities
Identify, describe, prioritize new ideas
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Managing and Using Information Systems:
A Strategic Approach – Sixth Edition
Keri Pearlson, Carol Saunders,
and Dennis Galletta
© Copyright 2016
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.