Week 7 Assignment: Persons with Mental Illness


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The criminal justice system often becomes the first point of contact for treatment of persons with mental illness. As such, professionals in the system must have strategies and processes for interacting ethically and safely with members of this population and for promoting the welfare of individuals with mental illness and the safety interests of the community. There are many programs that provide frameworks for working with this population. The crisis intervention team (CTI) or “Memphis Model” is considered one of the gold standards. It was developed in partnership with the Memphis Police Department and University of Memphis and is now promoted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

To Prepare

Explore the resources about the CIT model in this week’s Learning Resources.

Consider the value of such programs in our current criminal justice system.

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The Assignment (2 pages)

Your submission should include the following:

An explanation of specific areas in which programs like CIT can benefit law enforcement and the communities they serve

An explanation of potential risks to people with mental illness, community members, and criminal justice professionals that could exist without commitment to such programs


National Alliance on Mental Illness.(2018). Crisis intervention team (CIT) programs.


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