TLMT 341 Final Assignment

Please view the attached files as well to see the project outline and overview before completing.  

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You are expected to produce materials (executive summary, report, powerpoint, spreadsheets, etc.) that would be presented to your boss/leader demonstrating your knowledge and understanding about the key logistics and supply chain issues. In developing the PowerPoint presentation, please include narration within the Notes section of the presentation.  All documents should include appropriate citations and a reference list using APA style. 

  • Project Outline
  • • Cover page/Introduction 1 slide
    • History of company/product 1 slide
    • Product Ingredients 1 slide
    • Competition 1 slide
    • Supply Chain Strategy 1 slide
    • Infographic of product supply chain 1 slide
    • Infographic of information systems 1 slide
    • Infographic of financials 2 slides

    – Pricing in the supply chain
    – Pricing in the channels

    • Promotional Activities 1 slide
    – Trade/Consumer

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    • Future Issues 1 slide
    • Recommendations 1 slide

      Project Outline


    Pick and product/service and trace the supply chain requirements from

    source to consumer.
    Consider the following:

    1. Identify the ingredients: Find out where they are sourced.
    2. Show physical movement of product from source to consumption

    and/or return. Identify the means of transport where appropriate.
    Produce an infographic of this supply chain process.

    3. The sharing of information in the supply chain processes. Produce an
    infographic of the information system employed by your company.

    4. The financial consideration of all transactions. Produce an infographic
    of the financial cash-to-cash cysle.

    Content to be included:
    1. Impact of promotion: trade and consumer
    2. Pricing strategy and execution
    3. Future developments/issues: Identify 3 key issues/challenges

    impacting this product by the year 2016. Make specific
    recommendations on what steps you would take to respond to these


    Brewed with five varieties of malted barley for
    a big, rich flavor.

    The first thing you notice when pouring a glass of this
    seasonal beer is the color. Samuel Adams® Octoberfest
    has a rich, deep reddish amber hue which itself is reflective
    of the season. Samuel Adams Octoberfest masterfully
    blends together five roasts of malt to create a delicious
    harmony of sweet flavors including caramel and toffee. The
    malt is complimented by the elegant bitterness imparted
    by the Bavarian Noble hops. Samuel Adams Octoberfest
    provides a wonderful transition from the lighter beers of
    summer to the heartier brews of winter.

    The märzen style gets its name from the month in which it was traditionally brewed. Before
    refrigeration March was the last month that beers could be put down for the lagering, or
    cold storage process. The beers would age during the summer months and be enjoyed
    around the time of the fall harvest.

    This beer style became a staple beer of the annual Oktoberfest celebration in Munich. The
    first celebration was originally held in 1810 to celebrate the marriage of the Crown Prince of
    Bavaria. The village green on which it was first held is now a huge fairground known as the
    Theresienwiese, after the royal bride. The Oktoberfest tradition has become a world
    renowned celebration of beer, running for sixteen heady days every autumn in Munich,

    Flavor: Smooth with a deep malt complexity. Lightly hopped for a smooth
    sweet finish.
    Color: Deep red amber, 20 SRM
    Original Gravity: 13.6° Plato
    Alcohol by Vol/Wt: 5.3%ABV – 4.1%ABW
    Calories/12 oz.: 187
    IBUs: 15
    Malt Varieties: Two-row Harrington and Metcalfe pale malts, Munich-10,
    Moravian, and Caramel 60
    Hop Varieties: Tettnang Tettnanger and Hallertau Mittelfrueh Noble hops
    Yeast Strain: Samuel Adams lager yeast
    Availability: Seasonal (August – October)
    First Brewed: 1989

    Infographic Example:

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