enterprise risk management


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Read Chapter 6 scenario, and address the following question, “What are the advantages of integrating ERM with strategy and strategy executions as described in this case,” and “What are LEGO Group’s four steps for developing its risk management??

Instructions for Initial Posts:

After reading the scenario, start a new discussion thread. Points are deducted if your submission: 

  • Although you should use multiple references, the required course textbook must be the primarily reference source.
  • Does not adhere to the University’s academic dishonesty and plagiarism policies.
  • Does not answer the question(s) thoroughly meaning with more than 3 paragraphs
  • Contains contractual phrases, as an example “shouldn’t” “couldn’t” or “didn’t,” or similar
  • Uses vague words such as “proper,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or similar to describe a process, function, or a procedure.

    As an example, “proper incident response plan,” “appropriate IT professional,” “adequate security,” or similar. These words are subjective because they have a different meaning to different individuals.

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Instructions for Responses:

Respond to ONE peer posting. Evaluate the pros and cons of the student’s proposed strategy. Points are deducted if your response: 

    Although you should use multiple references, the required course textbook must be the primarily reference source.

  • Does not adhere to the University’s academic dishonesty and plagiarism policies.
  • Does not address the pros and cons of the student’s proposed strategy.
  • Is not a substantive comment that extends the conversation. Meaning about a paragraph – not just “I agree” statements.
  • Contains contractual phrases, as an example “shouldn’t” “couldn’t” or “didn’t,” or similar
  • Uses vague words such as “proper,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or similar to describe a process, function, or a procedure.

    As an example, “proper incident response plan,” “appropriate IT professional,” “adequate security,” or similar. These words are subjective because they have a different meaning to different individuals.

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