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Dimensions of Diversity

For years, the term diversity has been associated with specific parameters such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. It is important that we continue to understand those dimensions of diversity to evolve our conversation to more global aspects of our cultural selves. The graphic illustrates many dimensions of diversity that you may or may not have thought about.

Required Resources

King, R. (2014, September). How autism freed me to be myself [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Wright-Tillett, iO. (2012, December). Fifty shades of gay [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Kaufman, E. (2015). Eyes on extension: A model for diverse advisory leadership [SlideShare Image, p. 9]. Retrieved from

For your initial discussion post think of diversity in all of its dimensions and discuss the concept of “difference.” What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different? Be sure to address the following:

1. In your family (extended, or otherwise), community, and workplace, what dimensions do you think of when you think someone is “different” than you? Do you focus on different dimensions depending on those three contexts?

2. Of those dimensions you think of, which can be changed, and which cannot be changed?

3. Of those dimensions you think of, which are visible, and which are non-visible? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having non-visible dimensions of diversity rather than visible ones? 

Initial Post Checklist: 

· Did you use scholarly resources to support your work?

· Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric?

· Did you use APA?

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