negotiation/conflict resolution


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For the Unit III Project, you will create a negotiation planning guide for an organization to implement. In your planning guide, you will explain the ten-step planning process outlineWithin your project, include the following:1 define the negotiating goal 2 list the major issues in the negotiation related to acheving the goal 3. define their relative importance of each issue and define the barganing mix 4. define interest.5. define BATNA’s 6. define your limits, including a resistance point, 7. describe your understanding of the other parties goals and issues and resistance point, 8.Set your target goal 9. Asses the social context of the negotiation 9.set your target and open bid 10 outline how you will present the issues to the other party:What to say and how to say it

  • An introduction explaining the importance of planning goals and strategies during the negotiation process and a description of the difference between goals and strategies.
  • A planning guide that includes an explanation of each step in the planning, as well as a real-world example of how the step is applied. This example can be something you have witnessed, researched, or an original idea and should assist the organization in understanding how to implement this plan.

Your plan must be a minimum of 750 words or three pages in length (not including the title page and reference page). Within your plan, please label each step for clarity. Feel free to be creative, but keep in mind that an organization will be following your descriptions. You are required to use at least your textbook as a source. Remember to cite and reference all outside sources used.

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