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“Current Legal Processes”

Summarize the importance of the fourth amendment, specifically as it applies to a forensic investigation. Using your favorite Internet browser and search engine, look for a news article from within the last year related to the fourth amendment. Summarize the article, outlining the specific context to the fourth amendment. Provide your opinion on the relevance to this amendment. Justify your answer.


“Forensic Labs and Certification” 

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  • From the reading, outline the process of forensic lab accreditation and determine what a laboratory needs to do in order to fulfill the requirements. Identify an ASCLD accredited lab in your geographic location and conduct further research on this lab. Summarize the location and the type of lab.  Explain whether you believe lab certification is a requirement for law enforcement agencies and provide justification.


” Storage Format for Digital Evidence ” 

  • As an investigator, you are responsible for protecting the integrity of the data you collect from a hard drive.
  • Discuss the method used to create data images. Using your favorite web browser and search engine, search the Internet for a third party tool capable of creating an exact copy of a hard drive. Provide a description of the tool and share the link with your classmates. Compare and contrast the viable use of a Linux tool versus a proprietary tool. Are their advantages to using one over the other? Justify your answer.

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