Criminal matters

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Use this assignment area to submit a rough draft of your final paper. You will receive feedback for this draft. This is required but ungraded. 

  • The student will develop a five-page research paper (excluding title page, reference page, and any applicable attachments) that addresses a single component of the corrections subsystem (e.g., jails and prisons, probation/parole/community corrections, OR juvenile corrections).
  • From the focused perspective of a subsystem, develop a theme or hypothesis concerning the area (i.e., overcrowding in prisons, the effectiveness of reentry programs, or alternatives to juvenile incarceration, etc. – Note these are just examples – you can develop a topic and subtopic area in corrections that interests you) and form the research around this subtopic.
  • The student is expected to use at least 10 scholarly sources for this paper.
  • The paper should critically analyze the theoretical and applied nature of the issues and develop evidence-based conclusions on the accuracy and effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of those theories in modern society.



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Use this assignment area to submit a rough draft of your final paper. You will receive feedback for this draft. This is required but ungraded. 

· The student will develop a five-page research paper (excluding title page, reference page, and any applicable attachments) that addresses a single component of the corrections subsystem (e.g., jails and prisons, probation/parole/community corrections, OR juvenile corrections).

· From the focused perspective of a subsystem, develop a theme or hypothesis concerning the area (i.e., overcrowding in prisons, the effectiveness of reentry programs, or alternatives to juvenile incarceration, etc. – Note these are just examples – you can develop a topic and subtopic area in corrections that interests you) and form the research around this subtopic.

· The student is expected to use at least 10 scholarly sources for this paper.

· The paper should critically analyze the theoretical and applied nature of the issues and develop evidence-based conclusions on the accuracy and effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of those theories in modern society.

Student’s name:

Professor’s name:




Discussion on Criminal Matters

Discussion 1

My chosen topic for the final paper is police misconduct. Cases of police misconduct continue to raise eyebrows, and unfortunately, this has become a major social problem. Police misconduct comes in many forms. It can come in the form of unwarranted arrests, police brutality, racism especially towards a specific group, abuse of their authority, dishonesty, using unjust means to force confessions, and also promising suspects leniency by demanding sexual favors. This societal pattern has been witnessed for such a long time, prompting citizens to wonder whether the legal system truly cares about the actions of the police. Research studies show that police misconduct is a leading cause of wrongful convictions. To be more specific, statistics reveal that close to 50% of wrongful convictions are as a result of police misconduct, as stated by Harris (2014).

Police officers are charged with the responsibility of making the society safe and secure. More often than not, their zeal to see justice being served results to even greater injustice. Thanks to cell phone cameras, citizens have been able to capture and report incidents of police misconduct when observed, raising public awareness on the same. However, for most citizens, reporting an incident of police misconduct is quite challenging, majorly because of the due processes that ought to be followed when filing police misconduct complaints, and the fear of being victimized. Police misconduct has also resulted in serious financial implications for the government. Police agencies have been forced to part with millions of dollars owing to lawsuits filed by the victims of police misconduct.


Harris, C. (2014). The onset of police misconduct. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 37(2), 285-304.

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