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Check Your Understanding (40%): Approx 800 words

1. Why are whistle-blowers regarded as models of honor and integrity?

2. Which whistle-blowing option is better for an organization—internal or external? Why?

3. Why would an organization decide to ignore evidence presented by a whistle-blower?

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4. Is it reasonable for a whistle-blower to expect a guarantee of anonymity?

Essay: (20%) (Approx 450 words)

Familiarize yourself with the whistleblower protection laws in your state. Beyond a Google search, you may find the resources at the National Whistleblowers Center at 


 useful in this task. After this initial research, briefly describe an example of a case in your state where these protections were used. Then describe what outcomes obtained in this case. Attempt to find out what happened to the whistleblower in this case as well as the parties who were impugned. In your opinion, did the laws work as they were intended? 

Case Study (40%) (Approx 400 words) (Book Needed) Newton, Engelhard, Prichard (2012). Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Business Ethics and Society, 12th/E. McGraw-Hill ISBN: 9780073527352

Review issues 10 and 15 from Taking Sides. Choose one issue to respond to. Which viewpoint do you side with? Why? Explain. Reference at least two outside resources that further support the viewpoint you side with

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