Standardized Assessment Lesson Plan


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Select one of the standardized tools you researched in your “Clinical Field Experience B” assignment. Based on the developmental or academic area the tool is assessing, select one of the students from the observed classroom who would benefit from a differentiated lesson plan. Create a lesson for that student using the “COE Lesson Plan Template” that could be used to:

· Build student skills in that assessment developmental or academic area.

· Gather more information about the student’s level of performance in the selected developmental or academic area using one formative and one summative assessment.

Additionally, include a 250-300 word rationale explaining why the lesson plan and assessments are appropriate for the student you selected.

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Submit the lesson plan and rationale as one deliverable.

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My Clinical Field Experience B” is down below

Clinical Field Experience B: Standardized Assessments in the Early Childhood Environment


December 18, 2019

Grand Canyon University

ECS 590

I talked with Lorette Stokely, who is an Exceptional Children Teacher well as I spoke with Ginger Saunders. The Assistant to Mrs. Lorette look at youngsters’ intellectual, physical/engine, language, social-passionate, and ways to deal with learning. They utilize the institutionalized appraisal of in general improvement just as they take a gander at subjective scholarly progress in perusing, composing, and math likewise in those regions they take a look at the kid’s qualities and shortcoming inside those regions, they assess their social conduct and demeanor they check whether kids connect with peers or potentially grown-ups, they evaluated AIMS web which is letter sounds familiarity, phoneme seg. Familiarity, perusing, CBM they likewise check DRA and CBAS scores.

I watched Mrs. Lorette and Ms. Saunders, and how they kept the youngsters occupied with a class all occasions. At the point when the youngsters strolled in the course, the state if you can hear me applaud one time, on the off chance that you can listen to me out welcome multiple times, it arrived alert for her to give kids directions. In the wake of showing the youngsters’ guidelines, she rang six children to the front to converse with them and ask them what their desires on today are, and they all gave a case of what they ought to do or shouldn’t do today. I accepting that as them being all her trying youngsters, which I was right. In this class, the instructors have one youngster on a 504 arrangement and a couple on IEP’s and a few ELL understudies and two talented understudies. I needed to look into what exceptionalities were. When finding it, it expressed that it is a kid who has exceptionalities has a few territories of working wherein they are altogether unique in relation to a built-up standard. This incorporates understudies with and without inabilities and the individuals who are skilled and gifted.

As per the Developmental profile – the third release on the site of TEA it expresses that “the DP-3 (Third Edition), extended the age run from birth through 12 years of age to, 11 months. Be that as it may, as of late, institutionalized information permit transformation of crude scores into standard scores, percentiles, stamina scores, age proportional scores, and graphic reaches (TSLAT)”. Formative appraisal of little youngsters (DAYC-2) (tests subjective, social, enthusiastic, and versatile territories). Fine motor and gross engine: body formative engine scales, second version (PDMS-2) Speech and language: language scales, fifth release. To assist understudies with growing more and meet more objectives, Teachers can utilize the aftereffects of the appraisals to address instructive issues in the study hall. On the off chance that a Teacher knows the reinforces and shortcomings of the understudies, at that point, they have a superior possibility of helping the understudies succeed. As I watched the class I saw that they had the entire day planned they likewise ensured everybody was locked in they expressed this was called coordinated pair share; first, the instructor declares subject and time, second think time, third An offers; B tune in, fourth B reactions and gestures of recognition, fifth B shares; A tunes in, sixth A reaction and acclaim. I additionally saw they stand up, hands up, pair up, which is another extraordinary thing that I watch. It didn’t make a difference who was with who they imparted, and to enable the kids to buckle down, she gave and removed dojo dollars. It is a site to assist youngsters with remaining roused. There are numerous housing inside the class for instance during perusing two of the understudies that are at a lower level left with another instructor who helped them at their degree of perusing which is locate words while different understudies read books, during math I witness four understudies on PCs since they are not at the degree of math that of rest of the class is on, so they do math yet at their level on the PC. How this class is set up is remarkable.


1. Characterize the regions that are evaluated?

2. How do scores qualify a youngster for custom curriculum administrations?

3. What evaluation instrument does the therapist use?

4. on the off chance that a kid doesn’t fit the bill for a specialized curriculum administration, what occurs?

5. What kinds of study halls are accessible for understudies with fluctuating needs?


ClassDojo.(n.d).Bring every family into your classroom.

TSLAT. (n.d.). Developmental Profile – Third Edition (DP-3). Retrieved from


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Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
ECS-590 ECS-590-O500 Standardized Assessment Lesson Plan 65.0
Criteria Percentage 1: No submission (0.00%) 2: Insufficient (69.00%) 3: Approaching (74.00%) 4: Acceptable (87.00%) 5: Target (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Lesson Plan: Planning 20.0% Not addressed. Purpose and learning targets for the lesson plan are inappropriate for the student or for the domain. Planning section is not aligned and contains missing or inappropriate information. Purpose and learning targets for the lesson plan are vague or do not adequately address the domain. Planning section is not well aligned, is missing information, or is not fully developed. Purpose and learning targets for the lesson plan are broad, but appropriate. Planning section is generally aligned and complete. Purpose and learning targets for the lesson plan are clear and well-crafted. Planning section is thorough, aligned, and well-developed.
Lesson Plan: Instruction on Developing Student Skills in Selected Assessment Domain [CEC 5.1, CEC Specialty Set S5.9, S5.10; NAEYC 3a, 3b, 4b; InTASC 6(c), 7(b), 7(d), 7(j)] 30.0% Lesson plan activities are developmentally inappropriate, or will not build student skills in the selected assessment domain. Lesson plan learning activities are not developed enough to be meaningful or to fully promote the building of student skills in the selected assessment domain. Lesson plan includes clearly defined, developmentally appropriate learning activities that promote the building of student skills in the selected assessment domain. Lesson plan includes well-crafted, creative, engaging learning activities that promote the building of student skills in the selected assessment domain.
Lesson Plan: Assessment to Gather Information about Student?s Level of Performance [CEC Specialty Set S4.3, S4.5; NAEYC 3a, 3b, 3c; InTASC 6(a), 6(b), 6(j), 6(k)] 25.0% Lesson plan does not include developed formative and summative assessments in the domain area that are sufficiently aligned to the lesson learning targets, or are developmentally appropriate for the identified student. Lesson plan does not include formative and summative assessments that are developed enough to be meaningful in the domain area. Formative and summative assessments are minimally aligned to the lesson learning targets. Assessment structures may not be ideal for the identified student. Lesson plan includes one formative and one summative assessment in the domain area. Both assessments are adequately aligned to the lesson learning targets, appropriate for the developmental needs of the identified student, and engaging for the student. Lesson plan includes one formative and one summative assessment in the domain area. Both assessments are well-aligned to the lesson learning targets, well-suited for the identified student needs, creative, and engaging for the student.
Rationale 15.0% Rationale is incoherent or includes inaccurate or irrelevant support to describe why the lesson plan and assessments are appropriate for the selected student. Rationale minimally supports why the lesson plan and assessments are appropriate for the selected student. Rationale describes reasonable explanation for why the lesson plan and assessments are appropriate for the selected student. Rationale describes convincing reasoning for why the lesson plan and assessments are appropriate for the selected student.
Mechanics 10.0% The lesson plan contains inappropriate, incoherent language and/or sentence structures. The lesson plan contains mechanical and conventional errors or non-relevant language that affect meaning and clarity. The lesson plan has a few mechanical and conventional errors present that do not significantly affect meaning or clarity. Word choice reflects basic, consistent, appropriate use of practice and topic-related language. The lesson plan is free of mechanical and conventional errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and topic-related language.
Total Weightage 100%

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