Terrorist Explosives Threats

Select one historic example of a terrorist act using either an explosive device, or by incendiary means resulting in fire.  This act could have perpetrated by either a domestic group such as ALF and ELF, or an international terrorist group.

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Explain how the operation was carried out and analyze something of interest related to the act of violence – perhaps first responder actions, intelligence gathering/analysis prior to the event, or forensics after the fact that led to the identification of the suspect(s) or group.  Your post must be between 400-600 words and you must cite at least 2 references.  To wrap up your discussion, you must respond to at least two of your classmate’s postings (150 words each).  Make the focus of your response to either build on the information your classmates wrote, perhaps by comparing/contrasting devices or terrorist groups.   

Take a look at the following video, which is Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano talked about the role of state and local criminal justice professionals in counterterrorism efforts.


Remember to post your original contribution (of at least 300 words) to the discussion forum by Thursday, 11:55 PM. 

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