I need to give at least a 75-word comment to my class mates post. 360-Degree Survey Vendor Joseph Hello Class, Throughout my Air Force career I have taken many surveys. Mostly climate assessment surveys where the commanders are looking into how we all fe

I need to give at least a 75-word comment to my class mates post.360-Degree Survey VendorJoseph Hello Class,Throughout my Air Force career I have taken many surveys. Mostly climate assessment surveys where the commanders are looking into how we all feel about our working environment and leadership. But I have never taken a 360-degree feedback survey that I am aware of. While searching for free 360-degree surveys, I came across one that stood out to me. It was from Grapevine Evaluations. Its claims their system will give you the tool required to maintain leadership and improve performance (Grapevine Evaluations, 2017). As soon as you open up their web page, it starts out with a quick, 90 second youtube video that explains exactly what they can do for you. I found the video to be entertaining and straight to the point. It was not the usual death by powerpoint video. The video also made everything look simple and easy to use. There is no software to download and it is mobile friendly so that was definitely another plus. One con that I did find was that it was not free, but it did have scale-able pricing to support an organization of any size. I also found it intriguing that it claimed to be trusted by big name organizations such as Macy’s, Pandora, and…the U.S. Air Force (Grapevine Evaluations, 2017). – Joe Grapevine Evaluations (2017). 360 Degree Feedback Tool: Employee Evaluation Performance Reviews. Accessed on April 10, 2017, at  http://www.grapevineevaluations.com/utm_source=capterra&utm_campaign=capterra_main_link&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=360_degree_feedback_performance_appraisal

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