You are a safety manager for a West Coast construction company. In the past, you have made poor choices when faced with ethical dilemmas involving on-the-job accidents. Now you are called to the job-site to act as the mediator for a situation involving a

You are a safety manager for a West Coast construction company. In the past, you have made poor choices when faced with ethical dilemmas involving on-the-job accidents. Now you are called to the job-site to act as the mediator for a situation involving a supervisor and some of his employees. The disagreement involves the employees stating that their supervisor is implying that they disregard OSHA regulations when it comes to their own safety. Your team is working against a deadline to complete a job in an area in which the construction industry is booming. You and your supervisor know that you both will get a monetary bonus if you complete the job by a certain time. How would you determine a potential course of action in handling this situation? What ethical guidelines would you follow in making a decision on handling the issue? Explain your answers in detail.

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