
Going GlobalThis week you’ve examined the basic principles involved in global expansion, as well as the complex planning firms face when considering their international business strategy.To prepare for this Discussion, select a specific company or organization and consider how that company or organization creates value through its international operations.Post by Day 3 your response to the following:Considering all that you know about the complexity of the global marketplace, including variations in local laws, practices, customs, and currencies, describe why you think business and nonprofit organizations decide to “go global”?Select a specific company or organization and evaluate at least one way in which it has created value through its international operations. Be sure to address the company’s international operations in the context of issues, such as organizational structure, localization, culture, and control.Next, discuss strategies the company or organization has used in its efforts to organize its international operations. How effective have those strategies been? Link your discussion post to the four basic types of strategies identified in Chapter 12 of your textbook.General Guidance on Discussion Posts: Your original post, due by Day 3, will typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the Week 4 Discussion 1 rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

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