Sharing Information

Please answer the following research question: The ability for agencies within the Intelligence Community to share information/intelligence received a huge boost when Fusion Centers were developed. However, there are still obstacles with sharing information between federal agencies, between federal agencies and state/local law enforcement, and between the military and law enforcement.  Review the obstacles that currently derail interagency intelligence sharing. Conclude your essay with your recommendations on how these obstacles should be addressed.  Also please consult the Turabian Style Guide for the correct format for your citation.  You can access the Quick Guide here: Paper should use Word, 12 pt. New Times Roman or Arial fonts.  No picture or graphs should be used.Paper should be 4 pages or close to 4 pages, double spaced.Please include a Bibliography or References page to correspond with either the Author-Date style or the Bibliography-notes style.Rigorous outside materials should be used to develop your paper.You may use either Turabian Bibliography format or Turabian References formatThe accuracy or your citations is gradable, as is grammar and clarity of writing.All formal rules of writing apply. This includes limiting direct quotes to making up no more than 10-15% of your text.

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