Financial DataUsing the company Neflix, add another two years of financial statement data so that you have three years of annual data to review for historical analysis. In all, your Excel file must include the following:o Three worksheets of annual balance sheet datao Three worksheets of annual income statement datao Three worksheets of annual statement of cash flow dataImportant Note: Be sure to label each worksheet in Excel with the appropriate year, as you did in the Module Three assignment.2. Ratio CalculationOn each data tab, use formulas to calculate the following financial indicators for each year of data:o Current ratioo Debt/equity ratioo Free cash flowo Earnings per shareo Price/earnings ratioo Return on equityo Net profit margin3. Written ResponsesUsing the Write Submission area of Blackboard for this part of the assignment, respond to the following:o Describe how and why each of the ratios has changed over the three-year period. For example, did the current ratio increase or decrease? Why?o Describe how three of the ratios you calculated for your company compare to the general industry. Find general industry data by entering your specific company’s ticker symbol here. If you are not familiar with the Write Submission feature, see the screen shot below.4. Professionalism, References, and MechanicsFormat the data on all worksheets so that the file has a neat and professional appearance. Include links and properly formatted citations referencing the location of the data used. Your written responses should be free of errors in organization, grammar, and style.

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