STATA result

at least 4pages 12 new romance double space, simple language and words plz read the STATA do file result,  it about NBA 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 season anlaysis.u need to check the STATA result and anlyaze why it is siginificant or dependent variable is PTS(total points for each player ),independent variable is GP(game played) FG(field-goal %) FT(free throw %) 3PT(3 point shot %). other control varibles in the result u also can check.content requirement:1 introduction: research question (why care? why important?)2 literature :group together & pull out key themes that foershadow result of talk.3 model: regression equation & key prediction4 data: source&key summary stat5 empirical R : select cofficient estimates wiz stand errors & general model info (fixed effects, ols etc..)6 conclusion : Key take away from result. thoughts for future research on the topic.

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