Read Chapter 1 and 2 in The Complete Editor. Then, complete Exercise 1.9. Rewrite the story in a Word document.For this assignment you must:Format sentences, expressions, and words according to AP styleUse correct grammarUse correct spellingUse correct punctationCarefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.Final Project Proposal: Local News Media PackageFor this week’s assignment, you will complete a proposal for the Final Project which requires you to create a Local News Package around an issue that is current, controversial and of national or international importance. You must also review the Final Project for detailed requirements about the Local News Package.In considering a topic, you should spend the week engaging in national news coverage to include print media, television, radio, and digital media. It is important that you choose a variety of media and that you consider the impact and element of human interest to your local audience. The issue that you choose for the Final Project may not be the same or linked to other issues or topics you will write about in other weeks of the course.The proposal must:Present a current, controversial issue of national or international importanceInclude a summary for the reason the issue is deemed as news for the local areaIdentify local media outlets for the presentation of the news stories to include:One mainstream print news publicationOne alternative news publicationOne television station and specific programOne talk (news) radio station and specific programOne digital news media publicationAdhere to the Local News Media Package Proposal TemplateSaving Your Work: To maintain the formatting of your work, you are strongly encouraged to save your assignment as a PDF file. View Saving a Word Document as a PDF for steps on how to do this.Check it! Your print news stories must be submitted through Grammarly and Turnitin prior to submission.Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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