Macroeconomics paper

Macroeconomics paper (Graduate level)Title: “The Role of Foreign Direct Investments on economic development in Four Asian Tigers countries” 1995-2016Econometrics Model: Panel data ‘fixed effects’ – instrument variables – dummy variables) Variables and datasets to look for: (GDP Growth – GDP per capita – FDI – income share – income distribution – trade openness – investments and more …)Source of the data: (WorldBank, IMF…)27 pages Supported by (graphs diagrams tables)ABSOLUTELY Original work and plagiarism free I need the excel file that contain the datasets mention above with the paperYou can have look on a paper i’am including  to give you an inspiration of what I’am expecting and looking forformat is:•Title (1 Page)•Abstract (1 Page)•Table of Contents (1 Page)•Introduction (1 Pages)•Literature review (8 Pages)•Theoretical Analysis (8 Pages)•Empirical Testing and results [Panel data ‘fixed effects’ that include at least (1 instrument variable and 1 dummy variables)]  (6 Pages)•Conclusions (1 Page)•ReferencesDon’t accept to do the paper if you cannot do it

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