for Doctor Mitch

Professional Experience #1Due at the end of Week 1 (not eligible for late policy unless an approved documented exception).Follow the link below to the Word document titled “Professional Communication Table.”  Your Professional Experience is to find a recent article that focuses on effective professional communications published since 2015. You will read the article and then develop a 25 to 50-word summary.Fill in the appropriate information in the “Professional Communication Table” (see below) and submit the article link to Blackboard (by clicking the “Professional Experience #1” link in the Week 1 tab).In order to receive credit for completing this task you must:•   Provide a viable link to the article •   Include a short 25 to 50-word summary •   Fill in the “Employee” section with your name •   Copy the link and submit to BlackboardThis is a pass/fail assignment.  All elements must be completed (simulating the workplace where incomplete work is unacceptable) for credit.  You cannot receive partial credit.  Link to OneDrive (Week One)The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar and mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.Learn communication fundamentals and execute various professional tasks in a collaborative manner.Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.

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