Case Study 3

The Rep Test is used at times like an interview.  Some significant information is obtained through this assessment that tells us a little more about Jim.   However, at times, individuals may make generalization based on information without digging further into the report.  Here are some other noted weaknesses of Kelly’s theories                 -Relies excessively on words, which can be inadequate to convey constructs because of things like submersion                -Process theory is not well specified: How do people select which construct to apply in a situation?                -Motivation theory not well specified: Why do people select a particular construction and act in certain                                ways based on that construction?                -Has not been applied to some parts of human functioning, e.g., depression.                -Doesn’t address human emotions adequately                -Link between constructs and behavior not well studied can you think of any other noted weaknesses? 700-800 words

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