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we are looking at an overview of women in Theatre and Cinema, women playwrights and the work that they and other female writers are now doing as we see ourselves in an age where the relationship between men and women and how society views them have never been closer. However, there is still a gap that remains with the role and influence of women in politics, religion, business and entertainment. The American view of the “Ideal Woman” has changed in the last 100 years and even more drastically in the last 40 years since the 1970’s when the voices of women and the issues that directly affected them began to get heard in stronger way. Remember that is it still less then 100 years since women have had the right to vote in America. Only since the 60’s that women have been allowed their own credit credits cards separate from their husbands just to name a few examples….. Times have changed and much of that is with the voices of women writing about women and the trials and struggles they face. We have seen from film to T.V. to the theatrical stage a huge upsurge of female-centric storytelling and even, perhaps, a future female president! Remember that like her or not… Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 16′ elections by roughly 3 million votes and came the closest woman to ever hold the seat of President. Lorraine Vivian Hansberry1-The nature of the playwrights world and society in terms political, social and religious view of the playwrights time and era with respect to women’s issues that may have influence their art and storytelling. 2-What impact did the playwright have on the overall public and political discourse about topics that are considered women’s issues? Was it positive or negative?3-Awards, recognition or infamy that they may have received as a result of their work.4-Would you like to watch a play by this playwright? Why or why not?

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