Lesson/Activity Plan Review 500 words apa
This should include details around methodologies covered in our readings as a measure for efficacy of the lesson as an effective means of reaching engaging students, accurately conveying the desired standards, and assessing student learning.
Assigned Activity Plan:
Evaluate this activity plan from 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain,Elaborate,Evaluate)
e.g. “I think this xxxxx (part of the plan )will encourage students to xxxxx Which engage student to participate.
about the terms”Engage and Explore, ” Page. 51
Using NASA Resources and
Remote Access to Promote Geology
4 8
Chemistry, geology,
physical sciences
Earth science can teach
us about space science
Names and symbols
of common chemical
elements, how to
calculate density, physical
properties of minerals
Approximately 1.5–2 hours
About $10
Indirectly vented chemical
splash-proof goggles are
required for stations 1 and 4.
A p r i l / M a y 2 0 18 4 9
Supplies used
• 4–6 small pieces of the “unknown”
(limestone) sample
• 2–4 pennies
• 2–4 ceramic streak plates
• 1–2 balances
• 1–2 graduated cylinders
• 3–4 example minerals for comparing
hardness, such as chalk, quartz or calcite
• 2–3 student calculators for station 2
• 2–3 hand-held magnifying lenses
• laptop computer with projector for remote
History was made when NASA sent the Mars Science Laboratory, better known as the Curi-osity rover, to Mars. Arriving August 2012 at
Gale Crater, Curiosity began exploring the Martian
surface, analyzing soil and rock samples, and send-
ing images and data back to Earth. One aspect of
exploration is to gain a better understanding of the
geological makeup of Mars. While Curiosity has giv-
en scientists insight into the nature and composition
of Mars, physical Martian samples must be retrieved
and investigated to ascertain an accurate geological
history of the red planet. In 2020, another rover, yet
to be named, will be sent to Mars to continue explor-
ing the planet (NASA 2017a).
In what seems like science fiction, core samples
on Mars will be collected, packaged, and returned to
an established launching device that will transport
the samples to Earth (NASA 2017b). This process op-
erates like an interplanetary t-shirt cannon, loading
rock samples into a sample launcher that will fire the
Martian rocks back to Earth, and represents a com-
plex network of devices and satellites that make up
the Mars Sample Return (MSR) Program.
While still in its infancy, the MSR epitomizes the
need to attract young students to science. These stu-
dents will be the future investigators, and developing
consequential studies that they can partake in at the
onset of their science education is essential for ad-
vancing interest in projects such as the MSR. The ac-
tivity described in this article was developed with the
goal of increasing middle school students’ interest in
science using a multidisciplinary geology and chem-
istry project that revolves around the MSR program.
Setting the stage
Before students begin the activities, a short presen-
tation is shared regarding the forthcoming research
NASA will perform on the geological samples from
Mars (see Online Supplemental Materials). Students
are then told an unknown rock sample has arrived
from Mars, and they are challenged to use existing
methods they have covered in their Earth science
curriculum to determine its composition.
Interest is immediately captured when they learn
they will have remote access to a scanning electron
microscope, and that a scientist at a local college will
help validate their findings using an elemental analy-
sis technique called energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS),
allowing us to see what types of elements are pres-
ent and in what ratio. While not absolutely essential
for the lab experience, this remote access session is a
free service available to educators as part of the RAIN
network, represented by 16 university sites across the
| FIGURE 1A AND 1B: Death Valley mountain
range (A) and images of Martian mountains
sent back from NASA’s Curiosity rover (B)
5 0
United States that allow for live virtual imaging (Ash-
croft et al. 2018). This virtual experience, done in real
time via an online scheduling tool, allows students to
remotely control university-caliber lab equipment, thus
lowering the barrier for communities without easy ac-
cess to technology (see Nano4me.org in Resources). The
SEM and EDS instruments can be reserved for a whole
class day, although the remote access viewing for this
activity only requires 20 minutes, wherein students can
control the instrument from their own computer, under
the direction of the technician in real time.
Students, excited to apply their background knowl-
edge to a space exploration theme, are engaged when
asked to identify which of two pictures (Figures 1A
and 1B) depicts a Martian landscape. Approximately
90% of students choose picture A, an image of Death
Valley, and this confusion in seeing just how similar
the Martian landscape is compared to that of Earth
results in quick interest from students.
In implementing this activity, students collect unique
data at five separate stations, done in groups. Several
small samples of the unknown rock sample (limestone)
are provided at each station for student testing. Stu-
dents, wearing safety goggles, move station to station,
taking with them their guided notes and observation
sheet. A timer is used on a projector to count down the
time at each station, with six to eight minutes being suf-
ficient. Students who may need extra processing time
to analyze the data after leaving the station are provid-
ed with additional image-rich reference sheets that are
also posted at each station. Each station has a reference
sheet with printed guidelines to ensure that students
can complete the experiment at each station (see Online
Supplemental Materials).
Station 1: Color, hardness, and streak
Students collect data on physical properties of the un-
known rock sample (limestone). Using simple magni-
fying lenses, students note characteristics such as the
rocks’ cleavage and luster. Several other example rocks
are also included for student comparison, as described
below. The station reference sheet contains an anchor
chart for students to recall academic language they
would have learned within the original geology unit.
Students use porcelain tiles to conduct a streak test
to determine the mineral’s color in powdered form. By
“streaking” the rock specimen across porcelain, a small
amount of powdered rock is fixed to the surface of the
plate and, based on the color of the powder, it is possible
to ascertain the identity of the unknown rock. Students
also conduct a Mohs hardness test, and are provided
with several mineral samples to compare their unknown
sample against. For example, known samples of talc,
calcite, quartz, and even a penny are used to “scratch”
the surface of the unknown mineral, and depending on
the “scratch,” hardness of these known samples can be
compared to the hardness of the unknown. These can
be any rock or mineral samples easily available, and are
obtained in most school resource kits or available online.
Having just a couple of each at this station allows for re-
use over the years. Because hardness is a relative scale,
their findings (which are compared to a reference sheet,
Figure 2) give them a range (in our case 4–6), and are not
sufficient for them to identify the sample from the one
station alone.
| FIGURE 2: Example of guided notes
provided at each station for student
reference during the activity
A p r i l / M a y 2 0 18 5 1
Station 2: Density
Because density can be a difficult concept for middle
school students, students should already have expe-
rience in calculating density and performing water
displacement tests prior to this activity. Students are
provided a scale and graduated cylinder, as well as
several sizes of their unknown rock sample. By mass-
ing the rock sample, students get the number in grams,
and by dropping their rock in a graduated cylinder of
water, they obtain the volume in milliliters. Perform-
ing a simple mass over displacement ratio allows stu-
dents to determine the density of their rock sample.
The calculation is scaffolded for lower grades in their
guided notes, at which point students should be able
to determine the density of their unknown sample to
be between 2.6 and 2.9 g/cm3.
Station 3: Flame test station
In order to avoid having an open flame in the class-
room, a short video was prepared (see “Flame test for
RAIN lab” in Resources), demonstrating this station,
which can be used during the activity as either a stu-
dent station or viewed as a whole class. As the four
known solutions are misted across the flame, students
observe the flame color, which can be compared to a
reference sheet (Figure 3) to facilitate the connections
between the flame color and cation (element). For
example, in this implementation we used calcium,
barium, copper, and strontium, although numerous
other metals could be used to observe other colors.
The resultant color of each cation is noted, and then
matched to a similar solution containing the unknown
rock sample dissolved in water. Students determine
that the unknown sample produces an orange-red
flame, similar to that found in the calcium or stron-
tium solutions, allowing them to classify the iden-
tity of the unknown rock’s elemental makeup, while
ruling out metals such as copper, which produces a
green flame. Students have identified a critical piece
of information, but not a conclusive one, since the or-
ange-red flame color is indicative of both calcium and
strontium. It should also be noted that many minerals
contain calcium and strontium. Therefore, a number
of tests should be completed and compared before
identifying the unknown rock sample. Students are,
however, beginning to get close to a conclusion by us-
ing a process of elimination on their guided notes, rul-
ing out candidates that do not contain the orange-red,
flame-inducing metal.
Station 4: Acid test
While many students are excited at the idea of using
acid, the fourth station is quite a simple and safe test.
Students are provided an eye dropper with a small
amount of white vinegar. Adding several drops of
the vinegar to a piece of their known sample gener-
ates the formation of bubbles. The bubbles are from
the carbon dioxide that is produced when carbonate
is reacted with the vinegar.
The bubbles indicate the presence of the carbon-
ate ion (CO
2-) anion in the unknown rock sample.
Middle school students are unfamiliar with acid-
base reactions, and as such, the student-guided notes
are used to assist determination of what the bubbles
| FIGURE 3: Flame ionization color-matching
table for element identification
5 2
Teachers comfortable with demonstrations, in-
cluding fire, can perform station 3 at the front of
the class for students, providing that proper safety
protocol are followed. This should be a demon-
stration only and not a hands-on activity. Using
methanol or other alcohols can be very dangerous
and unpredictable. Alcohols have a low flash point
and are extremely flammable. It is too dangerous
to use alcohol as a carrier for this demonstration,
even if all safety precautions are taken. This is
especially true at the middle school level. A safer
alternative to the alcohol method is the wooden-
splint method, which is described by the American
Chemical Society. It can be accessed at: www.acs.
flame-tests-demonstration . Additional safety
information can be found at http://static.nsta.org/
files/ss0811_10 .
Barium chloride is highly toxic. Precautions
must be taken to avoid ingestion of the salt or so-
lution. Wear proper personal protective equipment
when preparing solutions. Students should wear
chemical splash goggles and avoid contact with
solutions when performing this experiment. Wash
hands after handling materials used to prepare for
or perform this experiment. Caution should be tak-
en around open flames (Bunsen burner or propane
torch). Ensure lab bench is clear of flammable ma-
terials (solvents, papers, etc.) when performing this
experiment. Students should be closely supervised
when performing this experiment. Have a water
source (beaker of water) on hand to extinguish the
splints or cotton swabs and review MSDSs for each
solution for proper and environmentally safe dis-
posal. Conduct the flame test either under a fume
hood or behind a safety shield.
signify. Students are generally aware of carbon diox-
ide as either something we expel from breathing or
as bubbles in their soda, allowing for connections to
background knowledge.
Station 5: Scanning electron
Once the chemical and physical tests are completed,
students are given time to reflect on their findings with
their group to determine the identity of the unknown
rock sample using the information about specific rocks
located on their worksheet (Figure 4). Students then
convene as a class for remote access to a scanning
electron microscope (SEM) with elemental analysis to
validate their conclusion. The RAIN partner, having
previously been provided with a sample of limestone,
has loaded the mineral onto the SEM equipped with el-
emental analysis. (Supply the rock sample to the RAIN
network one or two weeks in advance.). An image of
the unknown/limestone rock sample is obtained and
elemental analysis performed. Elemental analysis will
illustrate the presence of calcium, carbon, and oxygen,
thereby verifying the sample as “Martian limestone,”
as clearly shown on the SEM interface. Students will
capture this in their guided notes for station 5, not-
ing the presence of elements described in the Analy-
sis section of their handouts. Using the findings from
their previous tests at stations 1–4, they will now have
enough information to support the claim as to the na-
ture of their sample, insofar as it matches up with the
description on their worksheet. Students should have
identified the unknown rock sample and from the SEM
image and elemental analysis either confirmed or in-
validated their previous conclusion. Diverse learners
will still have their reference sheets to facilitate conclu-
sion drawing to allow them to follow along.
Upon completing the activity, it is always our position
that activities such as this should be coupled with further
research, expressed through reading and writing. NASA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory has numerous websites con-
taining description of this research, the Mars Sample Re-
turn program, and upcoming Mars and planetary mis-
sions, including images obtained from real satellites and
rovers (see Resources). These resources ensure opportu-
nities for students to extend their excitement for space
and future exploration with the content they established
A p r i l / M a y 2 0 18 5 3
| FIGURE 4: Student worksheet
Death Valley in California is the lowest place in North America at 86 m (282 ft.) below sea level. Yet, the basin
is surrounded by towering mountain peaks frosted with snow. Steady drought and some of Earth’s hottest
temperatures make Death Valley a land of extremes. Death Valley’s oldest rocks are at least 1.7 billion years
old. Around 500 million years ago, Death Valley was the site of a warm, shallow sea. Today, springs and creeks
still exist in Death Valley that contain fish, a remnant of about 15,000 years ago when lakes and marshes were
Identify an unknown mineral
Part 1: Investigation
Station 1: Physical properties
Color: What color is the mineral sample? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Luster: How does the mineral reflect light? __________________________________________________________________________________
Hardness: Put an X through each hardness that you can determine is NOT the hardness of the mineral:
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
What is the Moh’s hardness of the mineral? _________________________________________________________________________________
Streak: What is the color of the powdered mineral? ________________________________________________________________________
Station 2: Density
Record the mass of the mineral sample: mass
= _________ g
Record the volume of water in the cylinder BEFORE adding the mineral: volume
= _________ mL
Record the volume in the cylinder AFTER adding the mineral: volume
water + mineral
= _________ mL
is the (volume
water+ mineral
) minus (volume
). Calculate the volume of the mineral:
V = ___________ mL – ___________ mL = ___________ mL
is equal to (mass
) divided by (volume
). Calculate the density of the mineral:
d = g
= ___________ g/mL
Station 3: Flame test
Flame color: What color flame does the mineral produce when burned? ________________________
What cation (element) does this color suggest is present in the mineral? _________________________
Station 4: Acid test
+ 2HCl → CO
+ H
O + Ca++ + 2Cl–
Acid test: Did bubbles form when the powdered mineral was placed in acid? Yes No
What would cause bubbles to form? _____________________________________________________
Station 5: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and elemental analysis
Did the nanoscale image of the mineral reveal a crystalline structure at the nano level? Yes No
What elements were found in the elemental analysis? ________________________________________
5 4
in this geology lesson. NASA Education also has several
labs focused on how these geological samples will be ex-
tracted and sent back to Earth, allowing for teachers to
use this activity as part of a larger NGSS-aligned unit of
space and Earth science.
Students were assessed based on their ability to not
just pick the correct rock sample, but had to support
their conclusion via their guided notes as to which
rock samples they eliminated and why. That is to
say, if a student correctly ruled out obsidian, they
had correctly completed the tasks at Station 1. If
they had correctly eliminated fluorite, they correctly
identified that structure did not contain carbonate.
Students typically were found to either propose their
sample was limestone (correct) or granite (incorrect),
due to similarities in density, acid test, and elemen-
tal composition. An example rubric for successful
analysis and identification of the unknown mineral
is shown in Figure 5. While students can simply dis-
cuss how they arrived at their conclusions, there also
exists a written assessment opportunity here, where
teachers can ensure active participation in the reflec-
tion and conclusion by having students write a brief
summary of how their data led them to rule out some
possibilities while supporting their conclusions.
Geology is a big part of the exploration of planets in our
solar system and beyond. If given a meaningful narra-
tive to appreciate this field, such as the future explora-
tion of Mars, the technology it employs, and the careers
Part 2: Analysis
Using the data you collected, which rock or mineral
from Death Valley did you investigate today?
Circle the one that has the most qualities in common
with the mineral you investigated.
A dense volcanic glass used by early California
peoples to make tools, weapons, and art. Formed
by a chain of volcanos around 65 million years ago.
Colored black, blue, brown, and other colors. Luster is
glassy. Hardness of 5. Density 2.6 g/mL. Not crumbly;
instead, it breaks into pieces that form a ripple
pattern. Elemental makeup of Si, O, Fe, Mg.
A lava rock that formed in parts of Death Valley up
to 145 million years ago. Cut and polished, it is
commonly used for kitchen counters. In its raw form,
granite has a dull to pearly luster. Colored gray, black,
orange, pink, and white with variations in a single
sample. Hardness of 6–7. White streak. Density 2.65–
2.75 g/mL. Elemental makeup of Ca, Si, O, P, Na, Fe.
| FIGURE 4: Student worksheet (continued)
A rock made from the fossils of the marine shells
and coral that lived in the ancient seas of Death
Valley. Colored clear, white, tan, gray, light brown,
or greenish. Luster is dull to pearly. Hardness of
2–4. White streak. Density 2.3–2.7 g/mL. Elemental
makeup of CaCO
and Si.
A mineral found in mines that were excavated in
the 1930s in Death Valley before it was a protected
wilderness zone. Colored vibrant purple, red, or
green. Luster dull to vitreous. Hardness of 4. White
streak. Density 3–3.6 g/mL. Chemical formula CaF
A rare mineral salt formed from hot water that
flowed through rocks over millions of years (called
hydrothermal circulation). Colored clear, white, gray,
light brown. Luster vitreous or greasy. Hardness
of 2–4. White streak. Density 3.7 g/mL. Chemical
formula SrCO
A p r i l / M a y 2 0 18 5 5
it will provide for, geology can be used as a subject
to increase the passion and interest of middle school
students in the sciences (Childers and Jones 2015; Shin
2003). This activity, in conjunction with space explora-
tion and the Mars Sample Return Program, will be a re-
source for middle school educators to help infuse inter-
esting, state-of-the-art technology and research projects
into their classroom curriculum. Concurrently, having
students not just observe but actively participate in the
use of the types of scientific equipment they would
use in college and beyond provides an exciting oppor-
tunity for students to get a glimpse of what careers in
science would look like. Blending topics of student in-
terest with exciting technological tools could be a real
asset for promoting STEM. •
The authors would like to thank the assisting RAIN tech-
nicians. RAIN is a network supported by National Science
Foundation grant DUE1204279. The expertise of the
NASA Educator Professional Development Collaborative
is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Jill Mayorga and Danyal
Dar for preparation of the manuscript. Esteban Bautista
is supported by BUILD PODER, funded by the National
Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National In-
stitutes of Health under award number RL5GM118975.
Ashcroft, J.M., A.O. Cakmak, J. Blatti, E. Bautista, V. Wolf, D. David,
J. Arellano-Jimenez, R. Tsui, R. Hill, A. Klejna, J.S. Smith, G.
Glass, T. Suchomski, K.J. Schroeder, R.K. Ehrman. 2018. It’s
RAINing : Remotely Accessible Instruments in Nanotechnology
to Promote Student Success. Current Issues in Emerging
eLearning 5 (1).
Childers, G., and M.G. Jones. 2015. Students as virtual scientists:
An exploration of students’ and teachers’ perceived realness
of a remote electron microscopy investigation. International
Journal of Science Education 37 (15): 2433–52.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2017a. https://mars.nasa.gov/
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2017b. www.jpl.nasa.gov/
NGSS Lead States. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards: For
states, by states. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
FIGURE 5: Rubric for geology lab
Analysis and
identification of
unknown mineral
Student correctly
) using
analysis of data
collected from
each station.
collected data
and correctly
analyzed two
of the three:
calcium ion
from the flame
test, carbonate
from acid test,
or correctly
chose limestone
after imaging
and elemental
analysis using
Student correctly
identified either
calcium ion
from the flame
test, carbonate
from acid test,
or correctly
density. Was able
to determine
identity of
mineral from
the SEM image
and elemental
Student was
unable to
identify chemical
or physical
properties of the
unknown mineral,
but successfully
limestone using
SEM imaging
and elemental
Student was
unable to
identify chemical
or physical
properties of the
unknown mineral
and was unable
to determine
the identity of
limestone using
the SEM imaging
and elemental
5 6
Brandon Rodriguez (brandon.rodriguez@jpl.nasa.gov) is the education specialist of the Educator Professional Development
Collaborative at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Jared Ashcroft is a chemistry professor and
Vanessa Wolf and Svetlana Timberlake are undergraduate students in the Department of Physical Sciences at Pasadena
City College in Pasadena, California. Esteban Bautista is an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry at East
Los Angeles College in Monterey Park, California. James Schifley, James Smith, and M. Josefina Arellano-Jimenez are
professors in the Remote Access in Nanotechnology collaborative.
Shin, Y. 2003. Virtual experiment environment design for science
education. Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference
on Cyberworlds 388–95.
Flame test for RAIN lab—https://youtu.be/qWJev8imLfQ
NASA Science: Mars exploration program images—https://
Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013)
• The chart below makes one set of connections between the instruction outlined in this article and the NGSS. Other valid
connections are likely; however, space restrictions prevent us from listing all possibilities.
• The materials, lessons, and activities outlined in the article are just one step toward reaching the performance expectations
listed below.
MS-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions
Performance Expectation
MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a
chemical change has occurred.
Science and Engineering Practice
Analyzing and Interpreting Data Students use data sources to rule out incorrect possibilities
in order to correctly identify an unknown rock.
Disciplinary Core Idea
Structure and Properties of Matter
MS-PS1-2: Each pure substance has characteristic physical
and chemical properties (for any bulk quantity under given
conditions) that can be used to identify it.
Students are provided an unknown rock sample at
the beginning of their investigation and use physical
characteristics or chemical changes to identify the unknown
Crosscutting Concept
Patterns Students analyze tests results from an unknown rock
sample to determine whether its origin is here on Earth or
NASA Science: Solar system exploration—https://
NASA Teach—www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach
Station reference sheets—www.nsta.org/scope1804
A p r i l / M a y 2 0 18 5 7