Decision making and policy

You are a staff member for a state legislator. Many issues in your state have recently become a hot topic. The legislator has formed a committee to address some of the issues brought to them by staff. The legislator’s intention is to hear policy briefs and then implement action to begin solving some of the hot topic issues in the state. You have decided to present a policy brief on an issue that you are passionate about. You will need to prepare a short presentation to present your brief to the committee. Do the following:

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Part I:

Write a 500-750 word policy brief that analyzes the problem you chose specifically for your state. The policy should be concise and follow the general structure of such a policy brief. At a minimum, your policy brief should contain the following:

·  A title

·  A summary of the problem

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·  At least 3 possible solutions

·  Statement and explanation of the recommended solution with rationale

·  The implications and benefits of the recommended policy

·  Brief conclusion

·  At least 3 sources used to support claims

·  Graphics and/or other visual elements so it reflects the formatting of a professional policy brief

Part II:

Create a presentation that briefly outlines the policy. Include your decision making process for presenting the information contained in the policy.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your decision making process, some of the sources may be the same as sources used to support your recommendations in the policy brief.

You will turn in both your policy brief and presentation. See the document “submitting multiple attachments” for assistance in attaching multiple documents to the assignment dropbox.

Your presentation will require an outline of your presentation speech or speaker notes depending on the format chosen for the presentation. For PowerPoint, 8-12 slides are required with speaker notes of 50-75 words for each slide. Reference information must be provided at the end of the presentation. Reference and title slides do not count as part of the slide count.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to turn it in.

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