Mini Research paper
Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 2-3 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
1/31/2020 Originality Report… 1/
SafeAssign Originality Report
Spring 2020 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-32) – Full Term • Week 4 Research Paper: Blockchain
%73Total Score: High riskSpandana Kollipara
Submission UUID: e8edd22f-091c-ae16-0144-4f2efd7cd7f3
Total Number of Reports
Highest Match
73 %
Week 4_BlockchainTechnology_Spandan…
Average Match
73 %
Submitted on
07:17 PM PST
Average Word Count
Highest: Week 4_BlockchainTechnology_S…
%73Attachment 1
Institutional database (2)
Student paper
Student paper
Global database (3)
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Top sources (3)
Excluded sources (0)
View Originality Report – Old Design
Word Count: 699
Week 4_BlockchainTechnology_Spandana Kollipara x
2 3
4 1
2 Student paper 4 Student paper 3 Student paper
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Source Matches (12)
Student paper 75%
Student paper 91%
Student paper 93%
Blockchain Technology
Spandana Kollipara
University of the Cumberlands
Block chain technology as it was formerly known, now blockchain technology is a cryptography technology that keeps large records of data. Records of blocks are
linked together by a transaction data. By use of open distributed ledger, transactions engaged in between parties are stored efficiently and in a verifiable and
permanent way. It records transactions across many computers and thus the records involved cannot be interfered with retroactivity without other subsequent blocks
being altered (Crosby, 2016). Information technology uses various techniques in the storage of data. However, it has been challenging to store very large amounts of
data. Therefore, with blockchain technology we can be able to store large amount of data in various different locations closely linked together and safely stored
without alteration. This technology is applicable in various fields from client screening and onboarding, record keeping, data privacy to the processing of trade.
However, this is a new technology and IT staff will need training in order to gain more understanding on the use of blockchain together with improvising it in their
various organizations and its applications. Healthcare sector looks forward to a great transition over its services using blockchain technology. This technology has a
great impact in the healthcare sector in various fields. We will look on its impact on public health monitoring, data security, consent for information sharing, simplified
billing and claiming process, patient lifetime health record and medical research (R, 2017). In public health monitoring, heath records are always stored within the
hospital and not shared outside. However, with blockchain, these data will be collectively combined and it will help the state in the study of pattern of diseases. In data
security, it has been challenging for hospitals to share data due to security reasons however with the use of blockchian data records can be securely shared without
patients data being compromised and encrypting them to be accessible only to authorized personnel. Simplified billing and claiming process can be achieved by
blockchain technology where the processing of medical claims can be offered by health institution in a transparent and trustable billing to customer’s blockchain
technology. This will make payment process transparent since the management keeps a good record to the bailing for both the management and the patient.
Patients’ lifetime health record can be kept in truck since patients go to hospital time after time and various different hospitals (Mettler, 2016). With blockchain system
the patients’ record can be easily accessed hence faster treatment. It also boosts and ease medical research since data can be easily accessed by the medical
researchers and pattern drawn. This technology will greatly boost the health sector in its operational efficiency and field advancement. As a manager, blockchain
promises greater innovation in the healthcare industry and I would greatly embrace it in my organization. I would like to entail it in every part of my IT where it is
applicable. My team involves a group of IT personnel well conversant with technological innovation in the healthcare sector. In our daily routine, I will spare time for
regular training on blockchain together with its possible application in my industry. I will also advise my team to take on classes involving blockchain technology in
order to be conversant with the current innovations. Changing the technology used in an industry involves various security risks since it is vulnerable to exposure, I
would therefore include proper security measures and skills in case of changes in the technology used. In conclusion, blockchain technology promises a greater ease
and success in technological innovations the healthcare sector. Transactions, work and records are safely stored with this technology. Therefore, we should embrace
it and strive to learn more about it in order to boost the healthcare sector.
Crosby, M. P. (2016). Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin. Applied Innovation, 6-10. Mettler, M. (2016). Blockchain technology in healthcare: The
revolution starts here. In 2016 IEEE 18th international conference on e-health networking, applications and services. Healthcom, 1-3. R, R. A. (2017).
Blockchain Can Improve Healthcare Sector. Retrieved from Accubits Blog:
2 3
4 5
Student paper
Student paper
ITS-831-32 University of the Cumberlands
Block chain technology as it was formerly
known, now blockchain technology is a
cryptography technology that keeps large
records of data. Records of blocks are
linked together by a transaction data.
Original source
ITS-831-32 University of The
Cumberlands Blockchain technology
formerly known as block chain
technology uses cryptography
technology to keep records of data They
are records of blocks linked together
with transaction data
Student paper
By use of open distributed ledger,
transactions engaged in between parties
are stored efficiently and in a verifiable
and permanent way. It records
transactions across many computers and
thus the records involved cannot be
interfered with retroactivity without
other subsequent blocks being altered
(Crosby, 2016). Information technology
uses various techniques in the storage of
Original source
By use of open distributed ledger,
transactions engaged in between parties
are stored efficiently and in a verifiable
and permanent way It records
transactions across many computers and
thus the records involved cannot be
interfered with retroactivity without
other subsequent blocks being altered
Information technology uses various
techniques in the storage of data
(Crosby, 2016)
1/31/2020 Originality Report… 3/3
Student paper 100%
Student paper 96%
Student paper 96%
Student paper 96%
Student paper 78%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 94%
Student paper 67%
Student paper
Therefore, with blockchain technology
we can be able to store large amount of
data in various different locations closely
linked together and safely stored without
Original source
Therefore, with blockchain technology
we can be able to store large amount of
data in various different locations closely
linked together and safely stored without
Student paper
However, this is a new technology and IT
staff will need training in order to gain
more understanding on the use of
blockchain together with improvising it in
their various organizations and its
Original source
However, this is a new technology and IT
staff will need training in order to gain
more understanding on the use of
blockchain together with improvising it in
their various organizations
Student paper
As a manager, blockchain promises
greater innovation in the healthcare
industry and I would greatly embrace it
in my organization. I would like to entail
it in every part of my IT where it is
applicable. My team involves a group of
IT personnel well conversant with
technological innovation in the
healthcare sector. In our daily routine, I
will spare time for regular training on
blockchain together with its possible
application in my industry.
Original source
As a manager, blockchain promises
greater innovation in my industry and I
would greatly embrace it in my
organization I would like to entail it in
every part of my IT where it is applicable
My team involves a group of IT personnel
well conversant with technological
innovation in the banking sector In our
daily routine, I will spare time for regular
training on blockchain together with its
possible application in my industry
Student paper
I will also advise my team to take on
classes involving blockchain technology
in order to be conversant with the
current innovations. Changing the
technology used in an industry involves
various security risks since it is
vulnerable to exposure, I would
therefore include proper security
measures and skills in case of changes in
the technology used. In conclusion,
blockchain technology promises a
greater ease and success in technological
innovations the healthcare sector.
Transactions, work and records are
safely stored with this technology.
Original source
I will also advise my team to take on
classes involving blockchain technology
in order to be conversant with the
current innovations Changing the
technology used in an industry involves
various security risks since it is
vulnerable to exposure, I would
therefore include proper security
measures and skills in case of changes in
the technology used In conclusion,
blockchain technology promises a
greater ease and success in technological
innovations in various industries
Transactions, work and records are
safely stored with this technology
Student paper
Therefore, we should embrace it and
strive to learn more about it in order to
boost the healthcare sector.
Original source
Therefore, we should embrace it and
strive to learn more about it
Student paper
Applied Innovation, 6-10.
Original source
Applied Innovation, 6-10
Student paper
Blockchain technology in healthcare: The
revolution starts here.
Original source
Blockchain technology in healthcare The
revolution starts here
Student paper
In 2016 IEEE 18th international
conference on e-health networking,
applications and services.
Original source
2016 IEEE 18th international conference
on e-health networking, applications and
services (healthcom)
Student paper
Blockchain Can Improve Healthcare
Original source
Blockchain technology can improve
healthcare data security
1/31/2020 Originality Report… 1/
SafeAssign Originality Report
Spring 2020 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-32) – Full Term • Week 4 Research Paper: Blockchain
%44Total Score: High riskSpandana Kollipara
Submission UUID: b5247c95-6d9d-9160-127a-44a26fd2cf17
Total Number of Reports
Highest Match
44 %
week 4 assignment x
Average Match
44 %
Submitted on
09:29 AM PST
Average Word Count
Highest: week 4 assignment x
%44Attachment 1
Institutional database (3)
Student paper
Student paper
Student paper
Global database (2)
Student paper Student paper
Top sources (3)
Excluded sources (0)
View Originality Report – Old Design
Word Count: 651
week 4 assignment x
3 2 5
4 1
3 Student paper 4 Student paper 2 Student paper
1/31/2020 Originality Report… 2/3
Source Matches (10)
Student paper 73%
Student paper 86%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 87%
Student paper 100%
Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Sector.
Spandana kollipara
ITS 831-32
University of the Cumberlands
Blockchain technology is a cryptography technology that keeps large records of data. Blocks of records are linked together as a transaction data. By use of open
distributed ledger, transactions engaged in between parties are stored efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. It records transactions across many
computers and thus the records involved cannot be interfered with or altered (Crosby, 2016). Various techniques has been used in the storage of data however, there
have been various challenges on the security measures and storage of large amounts of data. Therefore, with blockchain technology we can be able to store
large amount of data in various different locations closely linked together and safely stored without alteration. This technology is applicable in various fields which
includes data collection, management and analysis. However, this is a new technology and IT staff will need training in order to gain more understanding on the
use of blockchain together with improvising it in their various organizations and its applications in order to attain maximum advantage. Healthcare sector looks
forward to a great transition over its services using blockchain technology. This technology has a great impact in the healthcare sector in various fields. We will look on
its impact on how it monitors health together with the security of the patients’ records and data. It has also promised a great transition in the field of medical
research. (R, 2017). In public health monitoring, heath records are always stored within the hospital and not shared outside. However, with blockchain, these data will
be collectively combined and it will help the state in the study of pattern of diseases. In data security, it has been challenging for hospitals to share data due to security
reasons however with the use of blockchian data records can be securely shared without patients data being compromised and can also be accessed by the ones
authorized. Simplified billing and claiming process can be achieved by blockchain technology where the processing of medical claims can be offered by health
institution in a transparent and trustable billing to customer’s blockchain technology. This will make payment process transparent since the management keeps a
good record to the bailing for both the management and the patient. Patients’ lifetime health record can be kept in truck since patients go to hospital time after time
and various different hospitals (Mettler, 2016). With blockchain system the patients’ record can be easily accessed hence faster treatment. It also boosts and ease
medical research since data can be easily accessed by the medical researchers and pattern drawn. This technology will greatly boost the health sector in its
operational efficiency and field advancement. Managing the IT sector of a hospital, I would greatly embrace this technology despite the fact that my staff and
personnel are not well conversant with. Since it is so promising when it comes to record keeping, data management, research and billing processes. I would create a
program for practice and learning of the blockchain technology and its application in the healthcare field for each personnel in my office. I would also advise them to
take on online courses on current technology and innovation so that they will be able to understand the trends and its applications. In conclusion, revolution of
healthcare sector and medical research is greatly boosted by the use of blockchain technology. Therefore, I would recommend further studies towards its application
on other various fields too.
Crosby, M. P. (2016). Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin. Applied Innovation, 6-10. Mettler, M. (2016). Blockchain technology in healthcare: The
revolution starts here. In 2016 IEEE 18th international conference on e-health networking, applications and services. Healthcom, 1-3. R, R. A. (2017).
Blockchain Can Improve Healthcare Sector. Retrieved from Accubits Blog:
3 2
4 5
Student paper
Original source
Student paper
Blockchain Technology in Healthcare
Original source
Blockchain technology in healthcare
Student paper
ITS 831-32 University of the Cumberlands
Original source
ITS-831-32 University of The
Student paper
Blocks of records are linked together as a
transaction data. By use of open
distributed ledger, transactions engaged
in between parties are stored efficiently
and in a verifiable and permanent way. It
records transactions across many
computers and thus the records involved
cannot be interfered with or altered
(Crosby, 2016).
Original source
They are records of blocks linked
together with transaction data By use of
open distributed ledger, transactions
engaged in between parties are stored
efficiently and in a verifiable and
permanent way It records transactions
across many computers and thus the
records involved cannot be interfered
with retroactivity without other
subsequent blocks being altered
Student paper
Therefore, with blockchain technology
we can be able to store large amount of
data in various different locations closely
linked together and safely stored without
Original source
Therefore, with blockchain technology
we can be able to store large amount of
data in various different locations closely
linked together and safely stored without
1/31/2020 Originality Report… 3/3
Student paper 87%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 94%
Student paper 79%
Student paper
However, this is a new technology and IT
staff will need training in order to gain
more understanding on the use of
blockchain together with improvising it in
their various organizations and its
applications in order to attain maximum
Original source
However, this is a new technology and IT
staff will need training in order to gain
more understanding on the use of
blockchain together with improvising it in
their various organizations
Student paper
Applied Innovation, 6-10.
Original source
Applied Innovation, 6-10
Student paper
Blockchain technology in healthcare: The
revolution starts here.
Original source
Blockchain technology in healthcare The
revolution starts here
Student paper
In 2016 IEEE 18th international
conference on e-health networking,
applications and services.
Original source
2016 IEEE 18th international conference
on e-health networking, applications and
services (healthcom)
Student paper
Blockchain Can Improve Healthcare
Original source
Can blockchain improve healthcare