Marketing Exercise

This exercise is designed to illustrate the numerous and diverse opportunities that companies/brands have to build awareness and brand equity with current and potential consumers by using audience contact points to reach their target market.

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Each of these audience/consumer contact points is an opportunity for marketing communications, and to assure that these communications are integrated, thereby presenting a unified and consistent brand image. Audience/ consumer contact points also provide an opportunity to build relationships with relevant audiences – both internal as well as external. 


  • Choose a well-known company (category examples – airline, automotive/ car manufacturer, bank/ financial institution, chain restaurant, supermarket, pharmacy, hotel chain, department store) and analyze how they are reaching their target audience.
  • List all consumer contact points/ ‘touch points’ ranging from simply seeing the company brand /company logo/signage or advertising to actually experiencing the brand/product/service offered by the company. 
  • Use the examples presented in Instructor Announcements and in Chapter 1 in the textbook as a reference.
  • Prepare a written analysis using the format specified in the Individual Worksheet
  • The worksheet is in MS Word.
  •  Save it to your desktop and use the format to answer each question using the space required to express your ideas concisely.
  •  Your assignment submission should be no more than 2 typed pages.
  • Follow the format provided. (question & answer)  Exercise 1 submitted using any other format will not be accepted.


Exercise #


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Individual Worksheet Format

Audience Contact Analysis

Student Name:


Name of Company/Brand:


Instructions: Please follow the instructions specified in Exercise 1 in the Assignment Tab on the Course Menu. Save this Worksheet to your desktop. Answer each question using the space you need. Upload your completed Worksheet to the Assignment Drop box by the due date.

Answer the following questions using this worksheet:

1. Specify and describe the company or brand that you have chosen for this exercise and provide a reason why for your choice.

2. Which contact tools (audience/consumer contact points) is the company/brand using? (List and Describe)

3. In your opinion, are the various contact tools integrated and presenting/sending a unified, consistent, image and message?

4. What is your overall assessment of the effectiveness of usage of the company/brand’s consumer contact points?



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