Assignment 2: Analyzing Religions

Assignment 2: Analyzing ReligionsThe US culture has a broad spectrum of religious affiliations and religiosity. As a result of interacting with people who share similarities, people seldom evaluate the main premises of other religions. This assignment will give you the opportunity to explore two religions that are new to you.Using Argosy University online library resources, identify and researchTwo religions which are unfamiliar to you.Select two peer-reviewed academic resources on these selected religions.Based on your research, complete the following:Compare and contrast these religions from an anthropological perspective.Describe the history of the religion. Be sure to include the following:When and how it was first foundedDetails of initial leaders of the movement and spread of the religionExplain the main principles of each religion’s belief systems, the religious texts—if utilized—and the significant practices.Examine the role religious leaders have in these religions as well as the roles devotees or followers play.Describe how the religions view at least three varying social norms or cultural issues.Examine how these two religions coexist in a globalized world.Support your statements with examples. Be sure to include a list of scholarly references.Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

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