Using Financial Statements

3 pages/ APA format/ NO PLAGARISM The next part of your project will require you to navigate to the website of Johnson & Johnson and locate the most recent annual reports. You will use the annual reports to create financial statements. These statements will become the reference statements for your case. Annual reports for JNJ are usually located in a section titled Investor Relations, Investor Information, etc.Use the annual report to find the total current assets and total current liabilities.Compute the current ratio for JNJ for previous two fiscal yearsReview reports on data for the last two years.Net Cash Flows from Operating ActivitiesNet Cash used by Investing ActivitiesNet Cash used by Financing ActivitiesCash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the YearsCreate a Balance Sheet or Statement of Cash Flows for most recent two yearsIdentify trends with an indication of if the financial statements show a positive or negative for the organization and investors.Use Microsoft Excel to create at least three (3) graphical displays to show the trends (i.e., bar graph, pivot table, histogram, etc). You should include a copy of your graphs in the body of your report.Discusses which year Johnson & Johnson appear to be in a stronger financial position and big differences between the 2 years (Keep in mind that dollar amounts in ( ) are negative or cash outflows).Imagine that this information represents information for your project case. Incorporate or reference financial information in your case to support the report.Summarize your responses in a report using titles from the assignment requirements (i.e., assets and liabilities, cash flows/balance sheet, trends, financial position). This document will serve as your Financial Statements section of your project.

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