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Please read the instruction and fill out the attached template at the bottom….

Make sure to fully read and utilize the attached Template for  complete layout and explanation of what is required for the second part of your team’sCourse Project. Also, you can refer to the complete Course Project Template 

Download the attached Course Project template. This will be used to complete Part 2 of the Course Project to include:

1. Distribution for Year One

Distribution is broken down into two components: The first year which is the crux of this independent plan and from year two on where you foresee how to gain a greater audience.

Distribution Year One focuses on the manners in which you will distribute to and communicate with your potential consumers. While online aggregation allows the best ability to reach consumers, Brick and Mortar establishments within the target market city can raise the visibility and prospects for an independent project. And whether the consumer is considering purchase or already purchased the project, the website can provide more incentive for purchase as well as assistance once acquired. And for those who’ve purchased, the Customer Relationship Management System you set up not only will keep consumers happy with this project, but also incentivize future purchases related to the current project.

Present how the invested funds from this proposed plan will be utilized to distribute the project independently. Keep in mind throughout this project that every proposed action needs to be reflected within your Budget for the project.

The first year’s plan will depend greatly on your Target Market for deciding where and how to focus within your target city:

  • Theatrical (only include if project is a film) –   Which indie theaters within your Target Market City would be best for  your film (Large Exhibitors such as AMC and Regal generally won’t work  with independent artists)? 
  • Brick and Mortar –  Which independent businesses within  your Target Market City would work for and with (“Big box” businesses  such as Target/Wal Mart/Best Buy/Starbucks generally won’t work with  independents) your game, app or film? 
  • Aggregator – It is important to include the 21st century planning. Therefore, include the aggregator selected from your  aggregator assignment) which you will use to get your project online.
  • Project Website – Search for an available website domain address, walk us through the projected site. What would you see on the Home Page? Which pages could you go to? And what would you see on them? 
  • Customer Relationship Management System – Now that you’ve introduced us to the project’s consumer website above,  it’s time to explain how it will benefit your customers. Make sure the website is not your only method you contact with your customers. While it can be a thoroughfare, you have to make sure it connects beyond its pages such as Social Media. How will you use it to collect potential customer data to communicate and form a relationship? How will you handle customer complaints and suggestions? 

The subsequent plan for after the first year concludes should  exhibit, from your research, the best approach to reach major  distributors or publishers in your project’s field. First, include  which companies would best work with your project based on their body of  work distributed. Then, propose how you will gain their awareness  enough to earn an opportunity to pitch. If this is a short film,  which festival may best showcase the project for potential studios? If  this is a game or app, is E3 or another trade-show best?

2. Distribution for Year Two

Distribution Year Two exhibits forethought in future partnerships with large publishers or distributors that would fit with the project as well as innovative ways you will gain exclusive audience with them.

Map out how your company could eventually execute a plan to raise the project’s awareness enough to get it considered by a leading distribution and marketing company in the projects said media field.

The subsequent plan for Year Two should exhibit, from your research, the best approach to reach major distributors or publishers in your project’s field. First, include which companies would best work with your project based on their body of work distributed. Then, propose how you will gain their attention enough to earn an opportunity to pitch. If this is a short film, which festival may best showcase the project for potential studios? If this is a game or app, is E3 or another trade-show best?

Using the provided excel spreadsheet within the template, break
down your sales projections in two sections, Retail sales and Wholesale sales. Under each section, make sure to include any forms of possible sales along with a price, projection of units sold and projected net revenue. Remember that under Retail, this should be 100% profit since you are selling direct to the consumer. But under Wholesale, make sure to reflect a price to the amount received after your split with retailers. Since each could vary, note the percentage split projected from each item.

3. Sales Projections / ROI

Sales shows the client not only that you can crunch numbers but also find multiple ways to profit from distribution.

Using the spreadsheet within the template, break down your sales projections in two sections, Retail sales and Wholesale sales. Under each section, make sure to include any forms of possible sales along with a price, projection of units sold and projected net revenue. Remember that under Retail, this should be 100% profit since you are selling direct to the consumer. But under Wholesale, make sure to reflect a price to the amount received after your split with retailers. Since each could vary, note the percentage split projected from each item.

ROI is where you will indicate what you see as not only the Return on Investment, based on the above Sales Projections, but also a low end and high-end projection to bookend it based on your findings of the best plus/minus ratio to utilize. Refer to your studies in the Business Finance course to revisit these elements, if necessary. 

4. Marketing

Marketing is the bookend to Distribution as one needs the other. You could have the greatest distribution engine in the world but without any marketing, nobody knows it’s available. Conversely, the greatest marketer in the world couldn’t raise a cent if there is no way to get it to the consumer. With the Marketing component, you will flex your promotional muscles with a detailed plan of action to market the project from the day the plan commences until the last day of the investment year.

This section will be broken out into a few separate portions just as marketing itself is never as simple as a single objective. 

Marketing Tools –

 Provide fifteen marketing tools you’ll  utilize in Promotions below (i.e. ad design, signs, flyers, trailers,  etc.) Account for each cost for these items in your budget.

Promotion – 

This should be extensive and detailed as it  is the core of how you plan to enact your marketing plan. This should be broken down into three phases: Pre-Release, Release, and Post-Release. Under each phase, first state the general time frame in month ranges for each to encompass your total one-year plan. Follow with a few sentences explaining your strategy for this period. Then break down your tactics. There should be five (or more) for each phase along with description of each tactic in researched detail.

Include all references attained through research for all components of Part 2 of your team’s Course Project. Failure to include research to validate statements made within the Course Project may lead to grade reductions for not exhibiting an ability to justify. This will continue into your professional career though the ramifications normally could mean rejection of work in its entirety rather than a reduction in confidence in your work.


Be sure to use the Course Project Template for Part 2 found below to follow the required structure.

Be sure to collect your resources as they accumulate in order to be included in both this submission as well as the Appendices section of your final paper at the end of the course.

Be sure to collect your individual expenses as they accumulate in order to be included in the Budget section of your final paper at the end of the course.

Be very careful when using content taken from a website. Make sure to include a reference for all of the websites you find research on for this assignment. Use quotation marks, block indents for passages over 40 words long, and insert in-text citations into this paper. Reference every source. Also remember that the Co-Pilot Tutoring Center is always available to help you improve your writing and reference skills

EBB359– EBBS Portfolio V
Course Project Template

The Distribution & Marketing Plan Template

Using this Template (attached below), provide your researched ideas and findings for the distribution & marketing strategies you will recommend for the logistical movement and delivery of the product to targeted users in a niche market. You should research similar products to determine what other self-distributors are doing to deliver their product to a niche market.

Some of the information will come from your notes on the Client Interview (Project Information, for example) while other information will be based on your team discussing ideas (Company Information, for example). But the majority of the information will come from the research you each put into fulfilling the information required to exhibit a competent business plan to a potential client.

The template is an instructional guide for organizing your paper with headings and sub-headings provided. Keep all information that is in BLACK as it is including the headings and sub-headings, where applicable. Remove or replace everything else that is in BLUE with your original content.

Do not include any of the instruction comments in blue in the Template when submitting this assignment. Reproduction of anything other than the headings and sub-headings from the template will cause a deduction in points for your assignment.

Use the Budget portion of the Course Project Template found in the Course Overview section of this course to organize your distribution and marketing expenses based solely on your researched cost elements directly related to your plan. List each item you plan to spend money on, the frequency with which you will use it, and the cost for your company’s first year.

All of the researched tools and tactics found in the written section of the plan must match the dollars that are allocated to them in the Budget Worksheet.

Do not include any costs in the budget that are not directly related to specific researched distributing (selling) and marketing (building awareness) strategies proposed for the product by you.

Costs should be realistic for what you are trying to accomplish. Remember you are working with a maximum micro budget of $


00 for the entirety of the one-year plan. So, for example, World Tours and World Premieres are out. This budget will barely afford more than a local venue or two to showcase your product.

All of the exampled line items in Sales Projections as well as Budget must be removed and replaced with information specific to your project.


Distribution and Marketing Plan for

your prospective client’s project title

Part 2

Your Company Name

Your team member names

EBBS Project & Portfolio V


In this section, you will lay out your distribution strategies for this one-year plan. Be sure to exhibit thorough research of potential distribution methods for each sub-section. Remember, even though the potential media project might only initially be planned for online distribution, it is imperative to include a Brick and Mortar strategy as it not only benefits additional income potential but also assists in creating awareness of said project.

VI. Distribution – Year One:

Self-Distribution Plan

Theatrical (only include if project is a film)

If your product is a film, what kind of theatrical release will you plan for it in theaters? Which theater(s)? Remember that chains such as AMC and Regal will not deal with independents, only large distributors. These should be focused on a local independent theater that can best showcase/exhibit your product.

Brick and Mortar Outlets

What are the names of the retail outlets (brick & mortar) where you will attempt to sell/showcase the project? Remember, the “big box” stores like Walmart will not deal with independents, only large distributors. These should be focused on researched local businesses within your target market city that can best showcase/sell your product. Even if the project is only planning for online, this must be researched as a possibility in an innovative fashion to still give the project a physical presence.


Which aggregator will you use to get your product online? (This should be the same aggregator you selected in your Research an Online Aggregator assignment.) Make sure to budget for this and include possible revenues in Sales Projections. Remember that even though the potential client may already have decided on an aggregator, you are proposing options to consider for the future, if not now. Make sure you state recognition of such before introducing an alternative option.

Project Website

Provide a researched available domain name for the product. It is not to be purchased, only to be proposed. Keep in mind the cost for purchase should not be much. Many options generally go for anywhere from $6.99 to $1


. Then describe the website in detail. What would the main page look like? What pages could you link to? What would each of those pages look like/do? Also, if you planned to collect payment, would it be via a merchant account or third-party payment processor? Which one?

Customer Relationship Management Systems

You’ve introduced the project website above. Now flex its muscles. But make sure the site is not the only tool you use. It can be a thoroughfare but make sure it connects within the social media spectrum. Use the questions as a guide to thoroughly explain the CRMS.

How will you collect your customer’s data so that you can communicate with them and form a relationship?

What will you do to form a relationship?

How will you use the website to do this?

How will you handle customer complaints and suggestions?

The above four questions should not simply be answered as the reader will be at a loss to understand the context of what was simply answered. Produce an original section explaining your CRMS with the above questions as your guide.

In this section, you are describing plans beyond this one-year plan. Basically, finding a way to go big. And that way is done by researching large distributors/publishers who have a national, or even global, reach when it comes to distribution and marketing muscle. And not just any distributor/publisher, but those specific large and powerful companies that would find this project falls within their wheelhouse. And then, since any large company worth their salt would not just let any Tom, Dick, or Harry into their offices to pitch, you need to exhibit your ability to network. This means proposing unique methods (emailing or tagging in a post don’t cut it since everyone and anyone can do that… and probably does) to gain their attention and potential audience for a pitch. The more innovative, the better as the goal in networking is to make you stand out from the crowd banging on their doors.

VII. Distribution – Year Two:

Finding a Large Distributor or Publisher

Once you’ve proven success in the first year through independent distribution and marketing, there may be potential to take the project to a large distributor in order to widen the success of it. In games and apps, there is more potential for such than a feature film or documentary. But if you are working with a short film, large distributors can see more potential to build a feature around them based on the success you garner from this one-year plan.

Year 2 should exhibit, from your research, the best approach to reach major distributors or publishers in your project’s field.

The first paragraph is where you’ll pinpoint through research which companies would best work with your project based on their body of work. For example, if you’re a documentary, all of the major studios will not be a smart target where research will locate niche distributors seeking such a genre of film.

Then in the second paragraph, how you will gain their interest enough to earn an opportunity for a future meeting to pitch. If this is a short film, which festival may best showcase the project for expanding to a feature for potential studios? If this is a game, is a convention your best route or a showcase or even a viral stunt? It might even be a personal contact or one already culled through your own experiences with the industry so far.

In this section, you will lay out your distribution strategies for this one-year plan. Be sure to exhibit thorough research of potential distribution methods for each sub-section. Remember, even though the potential media project might only initially be planned for online distribution, it is imperative to include a Brick and Mortar strategy as it not only benefits additional income potential but also assists in creating awareness of said project.

VIII. Sales Projections


and Sales Projections (based on $**** budget)

The budget listed above should reflect your researched budget based on every cost element found for this plan. Though $1


0 is the maximum, remember that a lower budget could mean greater profit when all is said and done.

Choose a price for every version of your product. Will you be selling physical units, DLCs, downloads, VOD, single songs, deluxe versions, T-shirts, live show tickets, etc.?

Using the below template (revised for your product), break down and calculate how many units you project sales of both in Retail (all revenue earned) and Wholesale (portion of revenue earned after splitting with said distribution partner). Under each section, make sure to include any forms of possible sales along with a price, projection of units sold and projected net revenue. Remember that under retail, this should be


% profit since you are selling direct to the consumer. But under Wholesale, make sure to reflect a price to the amount received after your split with retailers. Since each could vary, note the percentage split projected from each item.

Prepare sales projections for your project. The template below is only an example and should not be replicated except for the format and layout. Everything written should be from your own plan and model. Remember, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”



Projected Units

Projected Net Revenue

Retail (Selling directly to consumer)


DVD (film’s website; after screenings)





VOD (film’s website)




Download (film’s website)




Wholesale/Dealer Price** (Selling to a retailer)

Theatrical/Semi-theatrical (Enzian)*




DVD (Gas n Go, Smith’s Groceries)




VOD (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)




Download (iTunes, Amazon, etc.)




Projected Total Net Sales Revenue




* Assumes 50/50 split with exhibitor

** Assumes 60% of retail price

Return on Investment (ROI)

In a few sentences, give a bottom line to the above projections with your ROI. State the projected ROI first based on what is listed out in the Sales Projections.

EXAMPLE: An ROI of 287% based on profit of $4,300 is projected by the close of the investment year.

Also, project a low end estimate as well as a high end estimate.

EXAMPLE: The ROI could decrease as far as 248% based on profit of $3,720 on the lower end and increase to ROI of 325% based on profit of $4,880 on the higher end.

Also include how you came to these ranges based on your consideration of factors within your target market contributing to the plus/minus ratio you propose.

EXAMPLE: This range was based on a plus/minus of 10% based on research into the prospective target market.

In this section, you will lay out a detailed plan for Marketing. First, listing all of the promotion tools that will be utilized within the Promotions subsection. Then, a thoroughly researched and executable Promotions plan for the investment year. This means, theoretically, that the pages of the Promotions subsection could be handed to a coordinator who could immediately enact each promotion tactic. A true boots-on-the-ground battle plan for marketing all year.

IX. Marketing

Marketing Tools

Provide fifteen marketing tools you’ll utilize in Promotions below (i.e., designs for ads, signs, flyers, websites, etc.).

Account for each cost for these items in the budget. Some tactics could be used in multiple phases.


This should be extensive and detailed as it is the core of how you plan to enact your marketing plan. Put the pre-release, release, and post release tactics into a timeline that covers the investment year. The parenthesis beside each phase title should include all months included in that phase starting with the beginning of the month following the current month.

Pre-Release (i.e., August through October)


What is the pre-release strategy for the launch of this product?


List five (or more) tactics you will implement to work the pre-release strategy.

List the date(s) (up to a week) each tactic occurs on followed by details.

EXAMPLE: May 27th-May 30th – Poster placement and flyer distribution over Memorial Day Weekend at Enzian Theater.

Release (i.e., November)


What is the release strategy for selling this product the day it is available?


List five (or more) tactics you will implement to work the release strategy.

List the date(s) (up to a week) each tactic occurs on followed by details.

EXAMPLE: May 27th-May 30th – Poster placement and flyer distribution over Memorial Day Weekend at Enzian Theater.

Post-Release (i.e., December through July)


What is the post release strategy for selling this product?


List five (or more) tactics you will implement to work the post-release strategy.

List the date(s) (up to a week) each tactic occurs on followed by details.

EXAMPLE: May 27th-May 30th – Poster placement and flyer distribution over Memorial Day Weekend at Enzian Theater.

XI. Appendices

This final section will include all of the references accumulated from this month’s project. Be sure to use proper APA format.



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