BUS 532 Talent Management
I need help writing the essay paper 5 to 7 pages for Week 3 Assignment 1 Bank of America or McDonald’s case study. The paper needs to be APA format with 5 are more references and no plagiarism. Please see the attachments in order to complete Assignment 1.
DocuSign Envelope lB: 93D1 C8E$7E6F-40Gi-993F-3C36E912M98
documentation of attendance at first or second class meeting of the term.
Duty Military Scholarship.
This is necessary to insure that your accourt is credited properly and we will do our best to keep this to a minimum- We
assure you that your documents are kept in a secure location and yorn privacy is of our utuost concern.
Veteran’s Affelrs.
I acknowledge that I have University’s policies regarding the certification of VA students.
Student Signature; Date:
Campus/SFS: Please pring have the student sip then upload a copy of this form to the ‘YA Registation form (VRF)- document itype
in Onbase for the term in which the benefits will become effective.
Useful web addresses:
VONAPP to apply for benefits:
VA GI Billwebsite:
httn :/www.benef its.va. gov/ gibilU
https : //www. ebenefi ts.va. sovlebenef its-portaVebenefi ts.portal
DocuSign Envelope lB: 93D1 C8E$7E6F-40Gi-993F-3C36E912M98
documentation of attendance at first or second class meeting of the term.
Duty Military Scholarship.
This is necessary to insure that your accourt is credited properly and we will do our best to keep this to a minimum- We
assure you that your documents are kept in a secure location and yorn privacy is of our utuost concern.
Veteran’s Affelrs.
I acknowledge that I have University’s policies regarding the certification of VA students.
Student Signature; Date:
Campus/SFS: Please pring have the student sip then upload a copy of this form to the ‘YA Registation form (VRF)- document itype
in Onbase for the term in which the benefits will become effective.
Useful web addresses:
VONAPP to apply for benefits:
VA GI Billwebsite:
httn :/www.benef its.va. gov/ gibilU
https : //www. ebenefi ts.va. sovlebenef its-portaVebenefi ts.portal