Human rights educational flyer

For this assignment, you will create an educational flyer on a single current human rights issue.  You are free to choose a human rights issue that interests you from UN Human Rights list 

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  Gun rights pro/con and abortion pro/con cannot be used.  The flyer topic also needs to be based on a current issue, not a historical event. 

The flyer will be created in Microsoft Word.  The first page of your Word document will be the flyer; the flyer is to be one page in length only.  The second page of your Word document will contain your 7 sentences (see below) and MLA formatted works cited page including your researched information and image sources.  While you will include researched support, the majority (80%) of the flyer’s text content must be in your own original words.  

The flyer must include:

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2 images only, no more and no less.  A picture of a quote is not considered an image.

At least 7 sentences of text including a topic sentence identifying and explaining the human rights issue, support, and solutions for the problem that the flyer’s readers can enact.  

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