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1.What form of Judaism garnered an enthusiastic popular following because it offered even the poor and unlearned a way to move into the heart of Judaism.




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2.Pharisees taught that every individual who keeps the covenant can live in hope of resurrection from the dead.



3.According to our reading Jewish ritual immersion baptism___________________.

a.signaled the first major shift towards Christianity

b.ritual immersion was never apart of Judaism.

c.was a practice instituted by John the Baptist.

d.was required for gentile conversion to Judaism

4.Zionism is

a.A religious movement developed as a response to the occupation of the Roman Empire

b.A religious movement that began after the first Temple was built on Mt. Zion.

c.Another term for ultra-Orthodox Jews.

d.a 19th century Jewish, secular, political movement that promoted giving Jews their own national homeland.

5.What are the scriptures of Rabbinic Judaism, composed of the written Torah (Tanak), and the written formulation of the oral Torah (Talmud)?

a.Dual Torah




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