HA515 Unit 3 Discussion

In 200 words Discuss  How can planning, decision making, and training aid in developing organizational culture in health organizations? What are potential consequences if a health organization does not have proper planning, does not utilize effective decision making models, and does not provide necessary training? 

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In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to  Kerri Collins and  Julie Skala  

Julie Skala 

Planning, decision making and training are all critical elements of developing organizational culture in healthcare. Planning is something a leader in a healthcare organization must be able to do, according to Ledlow and Stephens, 2018 it is a critical skill, and successful component to leadership.  They also point out that it is the fundamental function of leadership from which all other outcomes are derived. A leader must be able to set goals and communicate those goals with the organization, they then must roll out a plan with their employees to reach those goals. Planning is critical in leading their organization in the right direction, they need to plan for expansions, workforce, budgets etc.

Decision making is not always the most popular job for a leader to do, but a job they must be able to do based on their knowledge, research and experience. There are many decision making models that Ledlow and Stephens, 2018 discuss. They must be able to make decisions regarding the direction the organization needs to take to be successful. Sometimes this may mean layoffs, restructuring etc. Not all employees will always be happy with the decision leaders need to make.

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Training is something that needs to be constantly evaluated in a healthcare organization. An example at my institution is when the units doe a needs assessment or employee survey on skills. The leaders then take these results and incorporate them into the units competency days, or have one on one or in small groups to go over areas employees may feel their skills are weak. For example, accessing central lines or changing a PICC dressing. The leader maintains of active list of employees and meets with them to go over the skills, or brings in speakers, have the nurses work with experts in those areas for awhile until they feel more confident. 

If a healthcare organization does not plan accordingly for the future needs of the organization or changes anticipated in their communities, it can be fatal to their success. They need to be able to make educated decisions based on the best interest of the organization and what is needed to reach the goals. If they do not train employees to handle their roles, it will be a domino effect. 

My organization built a brand new children’s hospital that went over budget by several million dollars, it created more pediatric services, more patient rooms, top of the line amenities. Had the leaders not thought ahead, years before the opening and had extra staff hired and trained, it would have had a detrimental effect on the patients and success of their opening. Planning, training and making decisions are necessary leadership skills.



Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H. (2018). Leadership for health professionals: theory, skills, and applications. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Kerri Collins 

Planning is an important, if not one of the most important parts, of leadership.  Leaders are tasked with planning the operational side of the organization.  Good leaders set goals and put plans in place to achieve those plans.  Leadership planning ranges from planning staffing which involves forecasting, planning process improvements and the actions to take to get there, and planning schedules for themselves and their employees.  Taking the time to lay out a plan will pay dividends towards meeting goals.

              In healthcare, decisions are made daily.  At times it seems decisions need to be made hourly or even minute by minute.  A good leader accepts their position as the decision-maker.  Some decisions can be carefully thought out while others have to be made instantly.  It is important that a leader be able to do both.  Training is also important for a leader to do.  Training ensures employees have a clear understanding of the organization and their roles and responsibilities.  Training also involves planning and ample time must be devoted to training and competencies.  (Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens, 2018)

              Poor planning can actually lead to poor decision making and poor training.  When all of these are not completed correctly, it diminishes the overall effectiveness of the healthcare organization.  It could lead to a shortage of supplies, staff, and limited competent workers.  Finances and productivity could also be negatively impacted due to lack of planning, decision making, and training.  It is important for all leaders to ensure proper planning, decision making, and training. (Silver, 2018)


Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens. (2018). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Silver, F. (2018, April 16). The Effects of Lack of Planning in an Organization. Retrieved from AZCentral: https://www.yourbusiness.azcentral.com/effects-lack-planning-organization-11394.html

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