Evaluating a Company’s Culture for Diversity


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You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources. Diversity Area 


  • You recently attended a conference for your company on Diversity and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. As part of the initiative on going to the conference, you are to prepare a presentation on what you learned to incorporate into the company; this can be PowerPoint, Prezi, or any presentation tool. Make sure you address the following questions in your presentation, as you will be giving it to the executive leadership team:
  1. Include an introduction to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
  2. Discuss how the six cultural dimensions impact the workplace.
  3. Determine what strategies you can use to successfully manage the different cultural dimensions. Remember, this is a global company based in the US.
  4. Conclude your presentation.

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