Global business

If you were the manager of new global business development for a consumer products firm, discuss how you would review the prospects for Nigeria. Use the information from 

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Chapter 4, Section 1 “Classifying World Economies” (Links to an external site.)

 as well as the Nigeria overview in 

Chapter 4, Section 3 “Developing World” (Links to an external site.)

 Does Nigeria offer a growing and strong market for consumer products? Is the government stable? Is the economy stable? Are the legal, political, and economic institutions transparent and have the reforms been effective? What concerns would you express to your management? Provide your evaluation in a two-page paper.

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Requirements for all papers:

  1. All papers must be grammatically correct utilizing APA guidelines, 6th edition.
  2. Writing word-for-word out of any book is plagiarism and will not be accepted for credit. Using another student’s work is plagiarism and will not be accepted for credit.
  3. Students will need more than just the text to write these papers. Please refer to the list of references and the Baker College library. At least one scholarly resource is required, in addition to our text, to support your papers.
  4. Each paper shall include a cover page, reference page, running head, introduction, body and conclusion.

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