2 papers

DB phase 2 DUE Friday ( This can be late because I know this is short notice.)400 words that respond to the following questions Research and explain the concept of patient-centeredness, an evidenced-based practice, as it relates to health care quality. Describe how providers, patients, and insurers may differ in their definition of patient-centeredness.What metrics would you select and use in a health care organization to measure patient satisfaction? Explain your rationale.Note: Use APA style to cite at least 2 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.Type: Individual ProjectUnit: The Patient Experience and Communicating QualityDue Date: Wed, 4/19/17Deliverable Length: 4 written pages, excluding cover page, abstract page, and ref pageHealth care organizations (HCOs) often struggle with performance improvement and with effectively communicating performance improvement results to their internal andexternal stakeholders. It is equally important to communicate your successes externally for marketing and internally to continue to build on your successes. The messagingto these two groups, however, is very different.For this project, discuss the following:Describe specific initiatives, laws, and accreditation standards that can be leveraged to improve health care quality and enhance performance improvement.Develop a communications strategy to achieve effective and efficient communication of performance data and performance improvement initiatives.Include a plan for strategic messaging in communications to employees (to effect change) and communications to the general public (for marketing purposes).Note: Use APA style to cite at least 5 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

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