
 There are two parts to this homework assignment, a PEST analysis and a SWOT analysis. Both of these assignments will be added as appendices to your capstone project.

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PEST Analysis
For this part of the assignment you will need to go to the PEST-analysis-template-doc . Using the organization that you are going to do your capstone project on, complete and upload the PEST analysis into the dropbox for  unit 2.  Each section in the PEST template has over 10 factors. Choose ONLY FOUR factors from each list for inclusion in your PEST (so 16 factors total- four from each category), and be sure to explain why you chose these factors.
SWOT Analysis
For this part of the assignment you will need to go to the SWOT Analysis x. Using the organization that you are going to do your capstone project on, complete and upload the SWOT analysis into the dropbox for  unit 2.  You’ll notice that there are over 30 key factors in the SWOT template. Choose ONLY EIGHT of these factors for your SWOT. The ‘Technology’ key factor is mandatory, but you can pick the other seven that you want to explore. When you’re done you should have 32 cells in this matrix completed (eight factors, and the attending strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/strengths associated with each). Unlike with the PEST you do not need to justify your choice of factors here (we’ll do that later on in the capstone). 

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