Leadership Models and Leadership Styles.

  Thinking about the styles and models of leadership offered in the readings, is there a relationship between leadership styles and leadership models? Why or why not?  Share your own preferred leadership style from the readings and tell us why you chose it.  Does your preferred leadership style make one leadership model more compelling to you than the others, and why or why not?   Lastly, does the reliability of a model and/or style have any dependence on the type of organization being led?    References Leadership Styles  Introduction Module (Module 1): commentary: section 3: Leadership Styles Don Clark, The Art and Science of Leadership,

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Leadership Models

Don Clark, The Art and Science of Leadership,

Leadership Styles

Don Clark, The Art and Science of Leadership,

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Path-Goal Leadership Theory

Don Clark, The Art and Science of Leadership,

Horizontal Leadership: Bridging the Information Gap

Don Clark, The Art and Science of Leadership,

Transformational Leadership

Effective Leadership

Reference Link 2.1 Trait Leadership http://www.sagepub.com/northouse6e/study/materials/reference/reference2.1 Reference Link 2.3 Emotional and Other Intelligences http://www.sagepub.com/northouse6e/study/materials/reference/reference2.3 Theories of Leadership: The Great Man Theory


The Essence of Leadership

Daniel Coleman and Emotional Intelligence

Everyday Leaders


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