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A person cannot evaluate the ethicality of organizational policies until he or she identifies the issues that those policies are intended to address. In this assessment, you will do just that.

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Complete the following:

  • Identify a potential ethical dilemma from a real-world organization. As an example of an ethical dilemma, consider the following scenario: an organization may choose to videotape the office and read employee e-mails. The conflict here may be that employees feel these practices are a violation of their privacy, and that they have a right to a certain level of privacy. However, organizational stakeholders defend these practices because their concern is whether the employees are getting their work done. 

    Choose any organization about which you can find sufficient information to complete the assessment. For example, you might use the organization for which you currently work, where you used to work, or where an associate of yours works.
    If there is any concern with disclosing confidential information, substitute a made-up name for the organization’s name and indicate you are doing so.
    The ethical issue or problem selected must affect the organization, potentially affect the organization, or involve the organization.

  • Explain the issues involved, including the following: 

    Identify the stakeholders.
    Identify the concerns of the stakeholders.

  • Explain why you chose this particular issue and why the issue is important.
  • Examine the current relevance of the issue. 

    Is the issue currently in the media spotlight?
    Are there any recent incidents or reasons why this issue has come to the public’s attention?

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