Journal 1

Please follow instructions and rubric very carefully 

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ENG 510 Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor. A course journal is generally made up of many individual assignments.

The journals in this course will help to prepare you for Final Project II, the creative writing toolkit. In this final project, you will select creative writing styles and
techniques that you believe will be most effective in both expressing your goals as a writer and reaching the audiences you plan to target in your work.

Prompt: Read How to Read Like a Writer. Discuss the differences between “normal” reading and reading like a writer.

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Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Compare the difference between reading like a writer and reading for pleasure. How does reading like a writer differ from simply reading for pleasure?
How does it differ from traditional methods of analyzing writing in a literature classroom?

 Examine what a writer looks for in a text when they read as a writer. When you read as a writer, what do you ultimately look for in a text?

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal
assignment should be no more than 300 words andany sources should be cited in MLA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Comparison Meets “Proficient” criteria and

provides exceptional detail in
comparing the difference
between reading like a writer
and reading for pleasure

Compares the difference
between reading like a writer
and reading for pleasure

Compares the difference
between reading like a writer
and reading for pleasure, but
comparison lacks details or is

Does not compare the
difference between reading
like a writer and reading for


Examination Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides exceptional detail in
examining what writers look
for in a text when they read as
a writer

Examines what writers look for
in a text when they read as a

Examines what writers look for
in a text when they read as a
writer, but discussion lacks
details or is unclear

Does not examine what writers
look for in a text when they
read as a writer


Articulation of

Journal assignment is free of
errors in organization and

Journal assignment is mostly
free of errors of organization
and grammar, which are
marginal and rarely interrupt
the flow

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar but they are limited
enough so that assignment can
be understood

Journal assignment contains
errors of organization and
grammar that make the journal
difficult to understand


Total 100%–how-to-read-like-a-writer

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