HLTH400 Unit-5 IP SWOT analysis


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Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project

You will be using SWOT analysis to assess your organization and its environment. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors.


You are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

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Create a SWOT analysis.
Define a strategic management plan, using SWOT analysis.
Identify the (internal) strengths of the organization structure.
Identify the (internal) weaknesses of the organization structure.
Identify the (external) opportunities.
Identify the (external) threats.
Match the internal and external environments to attain the organization goals.
Define a continuous improvement plan that indicates how you will do the following:
Measure outcomes
Identify service problems
Eliminate gaps in performance
Identify how your action plans are linked to the following:
Vision statement
Mission statement
Service strategy
Summarize your overall plan, indicating its current limitations and implications of your plan for the health care industry as a whole.

Keep your SWOT short and simple, and avoid complexity and overanalysis. If it helps to organize your thoughts, use a SWOT table.

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