This a Case scenario based assignment.A woman aged 68, came into the Emergency for  Drowsy and Low Blood pressure. She had fever and cough for 2/7, Went to GP and noted high glucose level. Past medical history of DM, HTN, High anion gap metabolic acidosis and previous admission of DKA secondary to SepsisVitals:temp – 37.7bp- 104/59pr- 124rr- 16spo2- 96Hs1s2lungs clearabd softtongue drytreatmentArterial Blood GasX-rayCardiac EnzymesGlucose/KetoneIv fluids: Normal Saline 0.9% 500mls infused over 1hourInsulin Actrapid InfusionIV Augmentin 1.2gdextrose 5% normal saline 0.9% infusion 500mls over 4hrsfindingsBGM 15mmol/l (high)ketone 5.1 (high)ph 7.224 (low)pco2 25.8 (high)base excess -15.5 (super low)bicarbonate 12.6 (low)urine glucose 4+urine ketone 3+urine blood 2+ecg – sinus tachycardia*after* treatmentglucose 7.8ketone 2.6ph 7.32Primary Diagnosis: Diabetic ketoacidosisEssay must include the Pathophysiology of the Diagnosis.Explanation for the treatment, blood results and progress (how it correlate)Treatments must be supported with Evidence Based Literatures.References 6-8 intext citation APA style2000 words essayDue 19 April 2017

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