Pollution and Human Health

Pollution and Human HealthAshford University DiscussionAir pollution has been shown to cause a number of biological changes often resulting in environmental harms including adverse affects on human health. After reading the case study, “Toxic Air Pollution and Human Health: Story of a Southeast Houston Neighborhood,” in your text (p. 158), 1. summarize the causes and effects of air pollution on the health of the residents of Manchester, Texas. 2.  While the results may be startling, evaluate why the correlation between air pollution and health risks presents such complex problems. Support your claims with at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.   Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Properly cite any references in APA formatATTACHED IS THE CASE STUDY WHICH WILL BE NEEDED. ATTACHED IS THE CHAPTER THAT CAN HELP. ATTTACHED IS THE GRADING RUBICS SO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT MUST BE INCLUDED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT!!!! MUST USE TWO (2) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ALONG WITH THE ATTACHED CHAPTER FOR A TOTAL OF THREE (3) RESOURCES!!!!!!! MUST ANSWER ALL THE PARTS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!

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